Become a moderator

Apply for Moderator

  • 📖 Do you know the rules and almost all the components of every game inside the project?
  • 🎯 Ready to keep order and help newbies?
  • 🔰 Want to become a part of our cool company of moderators?

❗ Before applying you should make sure that you meet the following requirements

  • If you were banned during the period of 14 days before the application was sent, do not apply.
  • 15 or older.
  • If you got banned while having an application open, your app will be denied.
  • Do not have more than 1 application open at a time.
  • Bugging a staff member about your application, be it server, forums, Discord or elsewhere will result in an automatic denial.
  • Your application will be denied if you are inactive on the forums or server for more than 14 days.

❌ Main reasons for denial of Applications

  • You've lied in your application. (mostly age/registration time)
  • Your age is lower than the minimum of 15 years old.
  • You were banned on the server or somewhere else in the community while you made the application.
  • You've written more than 1 application at the same time for the staff team of Mineland.
  • You are a staff member on another server/game.
  • You've not put enough effort in the application's writing in total. You've repeatedly messaged staff about updates related to your application.

✅ Tips for the Application

  • ✓ Write more.
  • Don't just say "I am a well experienced member in moderation", explain how you are experienced. Explain all your talents and interests in as much detail as possible.
  • ✓ Write with your absolute best grammar possible and avoid typos and punctuation errors.
  • ✓ Don't tell us only 1 reason why you want to be a staff member of Mineland-Community. Many of you say "I want to ban hackers". This won't bring you far. You need to explain with more reasons why you want to be a staff member in a neat and detailed format. Put every detail of your interest in the application.
  • ✓ Here are some questions we want you to answer in your application, we want you to write more than 7 sentences with as clear and detailed of an explanation as possible.

Hurry up! The Applications may close at any minute. Apply here

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