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  1. M4ddyexe

    BedWars Old Bedwars Maps were fun...

    It's almost been a year since mineland introduced 2 new maps for bedwars trios and 5 new maps for bedwars solos/doubles out of which 1 map (unknown darkness) was removed for some reason leaving us with 4, while removing 18 maps from the solos/doubles rotation alone. Even if new maps are...
  2. M4ddyexe

    SkyWars BedWars Global/Other Balance Silver in other gamemodes

    Skywars seems to be the only gamemode as of now that gives reasonable rates of silver. Being a bedwars main and someone who plays fireball fight as well, I would suggest fixing the rates of silver in those gamemodes too. 1 bed break in fireball fight is worth 16 silver. 1 kill in skywars is...
  3. M4ddyexe

    Global/Other Mechanisms, Tips and Tricks to voting for Mineland.

    So, I have been receiving numerous dms asking me for how I am able to maintain the first spot every month in voting. I am tired of explaining this to everyone individually so let me provide you with all the tips and tricks that allow me to get the maximum votes possible and maintain the first...