The Code

The cancel event and send message is omitted from the table
You may also customize the color code tag as shown in the code above. For example, you can have "\" as a color code tag.Player Event Chat Message
Game Action Cancel Event;
// In set variable block, go to General>>Set Variable
Dynamic Variable World_ToReplace = "&";
// Replace "&" above with any character you want
// In set variable block, go to Text>>Replace Characters In Text
Set Variable Replace Chars
Dynamic Variable %player%msg_color,
Game Value Player Message,
Dynamic Variable World_ToReplace,
Text "&"
// In set variable block, go to Text>>Combine Text
Set Variable Combine Text
Dynamic Variable %player%msg_out,
Switch Text Separation = No seperation,
Text "%player &8» &f",
Dynamic Variable %player%msg_color
// In player action block, go to Communication>>Send Message
Player Action Send Message ALL (%player%msg_color);
&bblue hair = blue hair
\bblue hair = blue hair
How it works
When a player sends a message with color codes, the message content is accessible through Game Value Player'sMessage. The content of the message in the game value is raw text (meaning, no color, strikethrough, etc). This also
means the color code tag '&' in the message is in the game value
The Set Variable functions however, does take into account the color code formatting. By replacing color code tag
"&" (or anything else you would like, example "\") with "&", it will properly parse the color code and show the color
Happy coding!
Been almost two years since I last did a guide (quality a bit bad), hi again