Creative+ ➨ Sistema Avtomat Start Guide 🤖

May 29, 2023
The auto starting system is required for making fully automatic round based games such as the Spleef, Tnt tag, dodgebow idk

amountToStart = put the number of required players to start
timeToStart = put the number for the countdown until the game starts
theItem = put here the item that the player must click to join

Player Right Click Event
 If Player Item Equals (theItem)
  If Variable (gameHasStarted != 1)
   If Variable (%player%hasJoined != 1)
    Set Variable %player%hasJoined == 1
    Set Variable playersJoined += 1
    Player Action Remove Item (theItem)
    If Variable (countdownHasStarted != 1)
     If Variable playersJoined ≥ amountToStart
      Set Variable countdownHasStarted == 1
      Set Variable countdownTime == timeToStart
      Start Loop ("Countdown")    
  Player Action Send Message ("The Game Has Started!")

When a player clicks the join item if the game has not already started
+1 to the playersJoined if this is more than the required amount of players to start
and if the countdown has not yet started, Start the countdown

Player Event Quit
 If Variable (%player%hasJoined = 1)
  Set Variable %player%hasJoined == 0
  Set Variable playersJoined -= 1
  If Variable (countdownHasStarted == 1)
   If Variable playersJoined < amountToStart
    Stop Loop (Countdown)
    Set Variable countdownHasStarted == 0
    Player Action Send Message %all% ("Not Enough Players to Start!")

When a player that joined the game left the world -1 to the playersJoined
if the countdown has begun but there are less players than required stop the countdown

Loop Countdown
 Player Action Send Title (countdownTime)
 If Variable countdownTime ≤ 0
  Stop Loop (Countdown)
  Set Variable countdownHasStarted == 0
  Call Function (Start)
 Set Variable countdownTime -= 1

Create the "Start" Function which will be responsible of starting the game e.g. teleport the players into the arena, give the players weapons,
also set the playersJoined == 0 and gameHasStarted == 1

When the game ends set the gameHasStarted == 0
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May 29, 2023
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