Siri_work1, first of all, the MineLand anticheat does not allow for this, simply put, when I was going on fifteen CPS speedbridging, or ninja bridging, it started to delete my blocks. I then tested this at a 20 cps moonwalk, which failed. I suggest for 1.8.9 PvP practice to join certain games, such as aPvPGame (/ad apvpgame), or combopractice (/ad comboprac), which are both dedicated to be competitive and non competitive pvp practice. aPvPGame aims to be a combo game, but less competitive and more friendly, comboprac, however, is a competitive elo-based combo game, where the only purpose is to kill or be killed.
also, we both know that mineland rarely adds minigames, and as a creative+ player, you should know that the community is here for that reason.
An example of a community game is fastbridgers - ItsMeOpti, which is bridging practice, but without the trash anticheat.