Is Mineland dying? (Some last words)


New member
Jun 26, 2023
In 2022, it had a lot of players, reaching more than 2000. But, next year, it started to show a downfall. Gradually, it started losing players. After a few months, it had only almost one thousand to two thousand players online. It started losing more players and finally had less than one thousand players online at the end of the year. Time went by; now it has not more than 800 players (or else). Yes, can you notice how the server is losing active players and the server is dying? I have been playing Mineland for almost 4 years. When I first played on that server, it had a lot of players playing on the servers. But as time went by, it lost players.

I have already posted a thread almost 2 years ago about the problem. A lot of players agreed with me. I am doing it again.

So, What's The Reason Behind it?
Well, there's a lot of reasons for the server losing players. One of the reasons for the downfall of the server is OVERMONETIZATION. Yes, if you start playing on the server and play for a few days, you will see the server has money transactions in every corner, directly and indirectly. Somewhere, you will see some limitations, and you need ranks to bypass them. In Creative+, you will notice that when managing your own game, you have to spend golds for everything, from creating the game to developing and advertising it. I know ranks and golds can also be equipped for free, but they need a lot of struggling. But if you want it now, you have to buy it. But years ago, almost everything in the server was free, and also the power of each rank was higher than now. But, now, the ranks became weaker, and a lot of things got limited.

Another reason of players leaving the server is the ANTI-BOT GUARD. Yes, they are necessary, but they are becoming heavier. The captcha is also sometimes broken; sometimes it doesn't work. Also, the guard automatically kicks players out of the server for no reason. That's the most disturbing thing I have ever experienced.
There's more. WEAK MODERATION can also be added to the list. Years ago, Helpers and higher-ranking players could get permission to punish rule violators (yes, sometimes a little of them abuse power, but not always), and they could contribute to the moderation of the server. But now it's all gone. Moderators and higher ranks now only punish. A lot of them cannot understand English, and a lot do not play on Creative+. So, the server has become weak in moderation.
COMPETITION RISE is an unpreventable reason. Other servers, such as PikaNetwork, MineBerry are becoming popular among the cracked Minecraft servers. So, it's hard for mineland to keep pace with them (Mineland once had as many players as those had).

So, How to Make Mineland Alive Again?
It needs collective effort to do that. The server should be advertised on other servers websites. Heavy updates should be removed, and they will be introduced again with optimization. The moderation system should be strengthened. Monetization should be taken to it's limit. Guard should be optimized. The server is actually slow in most regions (which is another great reason). This problem must be solved. Updates that can make the players happier and play more should be introduced.

But still, the developers and staff must think about it. Mineland is dying because of them; they have to do something to prevent it.



Core Moderator | YouTuber Manager | Discord Dev.
Staff member
Forum Team
May 6, 2023
Hello, I'll be answering your Questions :)

In 2022, it had a lot of players, reaching more than 2000. But, next year, it started to show a downfall. Gradually, it started losing players. After a few months, it had only almost one thousand to two thousand players online. It started losing more players and finally had less than one thousand players online at the end of the year. Time went by; now it has not more than 800 players (or else). Yes, can you notice how the server is losing active players and the server is dying? I have been playing Mineland for almost 4 years. When I first played on that server, it had a lot of players playing on the servers. But as time went by, it lost players.
Yes, we were attacked by Mojangs EULA, due to this Situation, our IP Addresses were blocked within 2022/2023 and players had no more Contact (They prob. didn't had Discord, ect...) and we had created new IPs, but they were eventually blocked after few Days again by Mojang and this massive blockage of our IPs lead the Playerbase to sink down.

So since we fixed our Problems, Mojang unblocked all our IPs and now we are trying to regain new Players to fillup the Playerbase.

Besides, Minecraft itself is not being much played as it was those Days. Players have schools, works, ect...

Well, there's a lot of reasons for the server losing players. One of the reasons for the downfall of the server is OVERMONETIZATION. Yes, if you start playing on the server and play for a few days, you will see the server has money transactions in every corner, directly and indirectly. Somewhere, you will see some limitations, and you need ranks to bypass them. In Creative+, you will notice that when managing your own game, you have to spend golds for everything, from creating the game to developing and advertising it. I know ranks and golds can also be equipped for free, but they need a lot of struggling. But if you want it now, you have to buy it. But years ago, almost everything in the server was free, and also the power of each rank was higher than now. But, now, the ranks became weaker, and a lot of things got limited.
Yes, the problem here is, that we need to keep our Server up. We pay for the Server monthly and if we make everything cheap. The Server might be shutdown, due to payment Issues. So we have to pay for EACH Server, so all the Gamemodes we have on our Server will stay alive. That's why it got a lil bit expensive, so we can pay our Developers, who work hardly, pay our Server, which are very expensive (including Subservers, Domains, and other Technical Stuff).

Another reason of players leaving the server is the ANTI-BOT GUARD. Yes, they are necessary, but they are becoming heavier. The captcha is also sometimes broken; sometimes it doesn't work. Also, the guard automatically kicks players out of the server for no reason. That's the most disturbing thing I have ever experienced.
This has been recently patched, that the ANTI-BOT GUARD will appear now less than it was before.
The reason behind this System is, because we were attacked multiple Times in the Past by Spam Bots and all our Moderators including me had to jump in and clear all those Bots from the Server.

You will probably say, we could just IP ban them, but no, each of the Bots had their Own IP, since each of the Bot were using a Proxy that allowed the Bots being seperated from its IP Address. And this system is really helping us, because now we have very rare Spam Bots and so we dont have to worry much about being attacked once again.

If you want to know how many Spam Bots we had: around 150 - 200 Spam Bots
The Gamemode: Survival, Skyblock, Anarchy and Prison were filled up with those Spam Bots and sometimes even Hubs, everyday, those crackers created Spam bots and it was difficult to keep all that up, many Players fall for it and eventually their Account got hacked. We are a Cracked Server, not a Premium, so everyone can join, no matter how (which client, ect...). So every cracked server should and actually have it.

There's more. WEAK MODERATION can also be added to the list. Years ago, Helpers and higher-ranking players could get permission to punish rule violators (yes, sometimes a little of them abuse power, but not always), and they could contribute to the moderation of the server. But now it's all gone. Moderators and higher ranks now only punish. A lot of them cannot understand English, and a lot do not play on Creative+. So, the server has become weak in moderation.

We removed those Permissions to the buyable Ranks, because it broke the EULA of Minecraft and that was a part of the Reason why we got blocked by Mojang.

Weak Moderation, yes, we are currently struggling with the amount of Moderators, because there is no one applying. You may apply for Moderator and then we have another one :)
So yeah, getting good moderators are difficult, because most of the Time, we have people applying who did not meet the requirements, but still decided to apply anyway. We have very few Moderators in the English Side, because the English Playerbase is less than the Russian playerbase. So yeah, quite difficult... To make it understandable...

COMPETITION RISE is an unpreventable reason. Other servers, such as PikaNetwork, MineBerry are becoming popular among the cracked Minecraft servers. So, it's hard for mineland to keep pace with them (Mineland once had as many players as those had).
We are trying promote the Server as much as we can. They have more connections with the English Side, means our Server is mostly Russian/Ukraine based. Their Server in the other side is English based. Players in our Server cannot either understand Russian/Ukraine or English (for Russian Players).

There are language barriers, therefore we as English Staffs are informing our Players (International/English Players) about all the neccessary Information.

It needs collective effort to do that. The server should be advertised on other servers websites
Yes, as the SMM Leader (SMM: Social Media Manager), we are advertising Mineland around all possible ways. We're currently developing a new concept to advertise our Server much much wider.

Heavy updates should be removed, and they will be introduced again with optimization
I do agree with you, when we release a Game, we usually release as a BETA Version, because we want to test how much it can keep up with the Players (the Game and Code itself). After we get many Bug Reports, we will fix them ASAP. So we can optimize them.

The moderation system should be strengthened
Monetization should be taken to it's limit

Both of the Reasons was mentioned above alr.

The server is actually slow in most regions (which is another great reason)
Yes, the Server is located in EU/France and it's difficult to make another Proxy for the seperate Community (AS/India) or (US/West)...

The Server will cost the double amount and it's difficult with the Payment Situation, since we are middle big Community (RU/UKR) and a small according to the English side.

Updates that can make the players happier and play more should be introduced
I do agree here, I have already suggested this to the Administration and the Owner and they will think with a new System. Lets see what they will do/decide.

But still, the developers and staff must think about it. Mineland is dying because of them
What have we done? :(
We're just trying to keep up everything. All reasons were mentioned above.


Thank you for your Time to clarify it.

DJMahirNationTV | Staff Member


New member
Jun 26, 2023
Weak Moderation, yes, we are currently struggling with the amount of Moderators, because there is no one applying. You may apply for Moderator and then we have another one :)
I already applied three times, 1-2 years ago. But all of my appliances got declined. :) I tried my best to answer all of the questions.


Core Moderator | YouTuber Manager | Discord Dev.
Staff member
Forum Team
May 6, 2023
I already applied three times, 1-2 years ago. But all of my appliances got declined. :) I tried my best to answer all of the questions.
Yeah, there are factors, that made your Application denied. E.g. when you didn't really meet the Requirements or you were Punished before InGame/Discord.