Adding BuildBattle / Bridges back again.


New member
Oct 3, 2024
buildbattle and bridges were most of the players favorite games i think mineland should add them back, yes the only problem is that buildbattle has a freedom of expression and people can build bad things on there but to fix that is very simple! make it so you get banned if you build something inappropriate simple.


New member
Dec 28, 2023
buildbattle and bridges were most of the players favorite games i think mineland should add them back, yes the only problem is that buildbattle has a freedom of expression and people can build bad things on there but to fix that is very simple! make it so you get banned if you build something inappropriate simple.
I already answered this question a year ago, but since my account was deleted, I'll repeat and explain it again.

The thing is that now the administration is focused on the development of already current minigames.

We've been asking for TheBridges back for more than a year, but we've been getting either ignored or a vague answer that the administration is busy with other things. I mean, it's unlikely that they are ready to bring back this minigames in the current realities.

Just remember when they removed the server levels in september 2022, citing that they needed to "fix minor plugin bugs", but it's been almost 2.5 years and there's still absolutely no news about it.

Obviously TheBridges didn't pay off and unlike Creative+ had a low online. As far as I remember, TheBridges had ~50 online at peak (At least in 2022-2023). Going deeper, this mode caused a lot of server problems, like cheating account stats. Take JClub, KiouneSrt, Randy_ did for example. They got into TheBridges leaderboard by cheating stats. This mode gave very nice rewards for winning (On average about 500 silver per each goal), that is about 2500 per game. Not bad, considering that the average playing time in TheBridges is hardly longer than in Skywars (since only a few people could play this minigame well). That's what these people were taking advantage of. I will not describe the scheme of cheating statistics, because I think it is unacceptable. But I see the fact. Some people did not stop breaking this rule even after _ifrozzy and the team of other justices "globally" changed the rules of the project on August 16, 2022. But the main thing is that after that, after that, the violators of the new rule 4.2 started to remove stats for the violation, ye?.. No, it never happened. Even after players wrote reports on violators of this rule, the maximum punishment was... 1-3 day ban? Obviously, this wasn't easy to deal with either.

So what do we have in the end? A broken mode with incorrect and broken mechanics of the original TheBridges game, a rather low online relative to the rest of the minigames, a cheating problem and cheating account stats. After all, no one is immune to losing winstreak because of blatant hacker in lobby. That's why it was easier to remove this mode in the aggregate of all the problems I described above.

Did the project lose a lot?

Probably, but the avid players of this mode either left for other minigames of the server, or left the server itself. IF the developers decide to bring back this mode in a year (or maybe more), it will not be like it was before. (At least I would like to hope so, but for now there is nothing to work with because there is almost no information from the developers regarding TheBridges, as I described).


With Build Battle the situation is even simpler - there is no sense for staff to keep this minigame on the project. Again, maybe they think that someone will do it on Creative+. TBNRPreston_ made a good point in this thread
that we can't simply depend on people making those games on Creative+. For example, even a kid can make Pillars Of Fortune on Creative+, but admins added this as a minigame. Mineland decided to follow hype train, which obviously is not what people want and wanted, but they're not going to abandon that strategy. Wake up, it's not 2017, they don't need an irrelevant Build Battle with 10 online at the peak.

I hope I've answered all the questions clearly, have a nice day!