Recent content by TheVoidNexus ✓

  1. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Creative+ The most important suggestion

    Dear @Aalus, thank you for your worthful contribution towards the server and its members. Mentioning a moderator to keep the forum alive and give the suggested feature a better chance to be seen and being implemented was a very thoughtful idea. Keep it up and have a nice day. I hope this is...
  2. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Creative+ The most important suggestion

    This feature would be helpful. You have my vote. Nah .-.
  3. TheVoidNexus ✓


    Dear @AnOpAn, if you would like to report a player you have two options: If you have proof (in form screenshots or videos) then head to the File a complaint section of the forum. If you don't have this, then simply report them ingame on the server with the command /report DanilaArhitector and...
  4. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Creative+ Resolved Option of removing the kill/death messages

    Dear @ItsMeKoafe, your suggestion has been added to Mineland. Thank you for making a contribution to the server! As the feature has been implemented, I will close this thread. Sincerely,
  5. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Is there a way to hide the right window that show ranks, clan, gold etc ?

    Hey there. You can make a code like this: Player Join Game Event > Create Scoreboard (Put anything you would like, for this I’ll put Text: %player%_sb and Text: &f &r). Now put > Show Scoreboard Sidebar (Put the %player%_sb from above). If you join it should render an empty scoreboard...
  6. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Resolved I discovered why Mineland is losing Players

    As this thread is old and the problem has been resolved I will close this. Mineland is growing again and new updates will be implemented soon. Locked.
  7. TheVoidNexus ✓


    Hey @dailyolthuis, you can make ban appeals in the ban appeal section: Mineland Ban Appeals. Have a nice day! Sincerely,
  8. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Global/Other A new rule

    Yea, I understand you, however it is possible that you violated a rule for instance two hours ago and now got muted for it. Then the report got accepted and the player received three gold. This is my speculation on this. Also I don’t understand which rule you want to add here, we already have...
  9. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Fix Custom Prefixes

    Hey @chaygrenouille, I think this is a great idea! If this would be applied the you could always see which rank they have. Also it would sort tab a little bit more, as it can be very chaotic. Anyways, have a nice day! Sincerely, OmicronGaming | Moder³
  10. TheVoidNexus ✓

    Creative+ Option of removing the game owner compass

    Hello Creative+ community, I would like to make a new suggestion regarding the compass every world owner has in their world in their ninth slot. The compass can be really annoying, especially if you have a “Set Inventory” code and want to put items in the last slot without moving the compass...
  11. TheVoidNexus ✓

    gold tax

    The only way to receive gold is the following: 1. Create an c+ game and make something cool so players will join and play the game. Then set a cool (or clickbait) title and make more players join 2. Once your game reached 1000 unique visitors (Can be checked using the /plot command and then...
  12. TheVoidNexus ✓

    gold tax

    Imagine you donate 100.000 Gold from your work to your main account, but you lose 10.000 Gold while doing that, so you only get 90.000 Gold on your main acc added.