Recent content by ZgameZ129

  1. Z

    Removal of the 6h playtime limit for Creative+

    Due to the 6 hour playtime limit on joining Creative+, ENG-C+ is dead. We also can't get out _work accounts to test codes without getting them to 6 hours of playtime. I am requesting the removal of this playtime requirement, to liven up English C+, and get _work accounts easily in-game.
  2. Z

    Creative+ Mineland studio

    It's a nice concept ig, if the server had a large enough player count, but it just doesn't work when top c+ games get around 10 players daily, and most of them are not willing to pay for anything (since they play in a cracked server, duh)
  3. Z

    Mineland is dying?

    Truly. I used to see 20-30 plrs in the top games in c+, now they get like 5.
  4. Z

    Creative+ Resolved Option of removing the kill/death messages

    Nice idea. I would really love to see something like that soon. +1