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  • hey iCherish i would be happy if you check my appeal in discord ban appeals and thx
    I am not in charge of Discord ban appeals. If you ask any moderator to check the appeal, your request is likely to be denied. So I suggest that you continue to be patient until you get a response from our Discord Moderation team.
    I'm sorry for what I did. I will not do this again. Thanks for the information, i will not ask a moderator again for a review. And thanks!
    Hi my friend DOOMSTER_KING in game name talked to u and he said me to make a appeal here and i maked it can u pls see it i really need your help and i will never do that mistake again i was new i didnt knew the rule i have told everything in detail in appeal pls see it whenever you get free :) Bbbaum_932. Ty for your time
    Hey bro why i got Banned Reason Adversting but i dont put ANy Youtube Link did someone abuse of power on me pls Help and Thanks
    Hello omardream1232,

    You were already replied to on Discord, please be patient until an available Core staff member can check your ban appeal. I do not handle them and don't ask for them to check either, this lowers your chances of getting unbanned.

    Best regards,
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