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    I got banned for no reason, what did I do this time, I swear I didn't do anything, I don't understand this rule.

    Hello Dear @HasanTarhiniHero You Got banned Reason black mailing means It is forbidden to threaten, blackmail, or mislead players on the technical and game aspects and misinform administration/moderation when reporting players. Have a nice day💕 Sincerely, omardream1232
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    Favorite Kit?

    /goldshop :) By omardream1232
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    How to get these item?

    Hello Dear @LauncherKushagra There is no advertisement in mineland about survival / skywars items if there was a player advertisement a link or something it would be hack link then /report Have a nice day By omardream1232
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    Hello @deefer We know the problem that you move in is so hard But We Made /rules and forums to avoid This Problems So if you find any Rule Breaker Player Feel Free to Report in forum but you have to bring a video and here is more information About "Rules"...
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    no u 5x

    no u 5x
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    you 3x

    you 3x
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    No thats u

    No thats u
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    The requirement for categories

    omg halalolo_ is Discord Moderator not Imperator ?!?!?!?
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    i hate u for banned me no Reason i didnt ban evading

    i hate u for banned me no Reason i didnt ban evading
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    ш вһте гтвукыефтв үрфе г муфт рфму ф тшсу вфн Куздн Gamer omardream1232
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    Levels of what Sir ?
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    Global/Other I want to buy hero+

    so for Buy Rank go to our site for Discord unban go in Discord ban apply when u buy any thing from you got gift 500 gold Have a Nice day Reply Gamer omardream1232 for my Discord conntect Gamer...
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    Discord Add ban timer

    I got banned forever -_-
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    A brand new rank

    but if they will so put Rank vip
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    A brand new rank

    i dont like new Rank