Search results

  1. AlexRadievskiy

    SkyBlock update 03.07.2023

    Generators Update "Filter" Get rid of this useless stuff :) Available slot count: Player - Skilled - 1 slot Expert - 3 slots Hero - Helper - 5 slots Support - Imperator - 7 slots A new command - /trade (/trade /tr /трейд /тр /екфву /ек). You can't send a trade request to yourself or...
  2. AlexRadievskiy

    New SkyBlock Nether

    Share your impressions of the new skyblock.
  3. AlexRadievskiy

    New New generator system on SkyBlock

    As far as I remember, we made it take into account the luck enchantment on the pickaxe. Can you record a video so we can see the problem?
  4. AlexRadievskiy

    New New generator system on SkyBlock

    Greetings, gentlemen! Today we will discuss together the new generator system, which will be launched in about an hour after the publication of this post. First, let's look at the main reasons for this change: Optimization: Now you can install at least 500 generators on the entire skyblock and...