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  1. Aalus

    Creative+ The most important suggestion

    Ive seen many games where players have coded something that disallows other players from accessing different games using the tab that appears with the command /games. They are unable to report players as well and that's really annoying. This is due to players coding something like "Player click...
  2. Aalus


    A few days ago Mineland added a new mini game, "Fireball Fight." Although the game is pretty fun to play, I still have a suggestion that might just end up enhancing the game. Due to the high player traffic in the game mode it becomes really hard to play with friends, even /party doesn't work. It...
  3. Aalus

    Creative+ Petition to add Common Logarithm

    ML recently added the natural logarithm in Mineland, but what even is the use of log in Mineland? If ML had added the common logarithm (any base), it would have been more useful. However, ML added the natural log! What could I even code using the log with base e? If someone explains the use of...
  4. Aalus

    Resolved We deserve this!

    I, and perhaps many other players want Mineland to add a new feature for players i.e., 'Do Not Disturb.' Currently, we have the /ignore command which can be used to ignore players & once we ignore them, they cannot message us or send mail. However, it is not possible to /ignore every single...
  5. Aalus


    @deefer this is my 358th message that equalizes the number of messages of mine to the number of messages of yours. I'll share half portion of the throne and you'll share half portion of the throne. Deal? (And yes, Mineland deleted 10 of our posts)
  6. Aalus

    Yo ved

    @veddnt Is it possible to code multiple automatic mines that reset with animations after a certain period of time? (Without crashing the game) Also here is a meme:
  7. Aalus

    BedWars FIX THIS

    Mineland increased the speed of the iron/gold generator, spawning 4 iron in under 1 second or perhaps even less which is good some players, however, this has led to a problem: some players, due to the rapid generator, purchase countless number of fireballs by spending all the iron that they...
  8. Aalus


    What are reaction scores?
  9. Aalus


    A few months ago Mineland deleted over 50 of my messages, same with deefer's, from the ML forums. Recently ML repeated the same thing and deleted a bunch of my messages. Please fix this ASAP! Also, Mineland deleted like a hundred mails (I may not be precise) of mine from the Mineland server
  10. Aalus

    Global/Other Detailed explanation behind the death of ML

    Ive seen many random dudes explaining why the mineland Server is inactive. However, at the end of the day, they just spit their own opinions. I, however , have decided to mention all the possible reasons behind the “Death of Mineland”. To all the moderators, administrators, and helpers, if you...
  11. Aalus

    Global/Other A new rule required

    My name is "aalus", and in india, potato is called "aalu" so players make fun of my name and they call me "aalu". I request for a new rule so that players cant insult/make fun of the name of any player at any cost and if they do, they get punished.
  12. Aalus

    Creative+ Coding Questions related to c+

    Ask any coding question you want and Ill make sure that it will be answered by @deefer and @veddnt under 30 mins. They will help you, you can ask your questions in the format "Please help me with coding ---" or "How to code ---" Thank you, Sincerely (idk if it's necessary) (Deefer and...
  13. Aalus

    Creative+ Suggestion related to Creative+

    Mineland is a niceserver, and one of its key features is C+. However, C+ definitely deserves more updates, like: 1. Automod: Auto moderation system would be really cool. It could reduce rule violation significantly. I wonder why the server has added auto-mod to the ML discord server and not in...
  14. Aalus

    Suggestion related to c+

    I have a suggestion related to Creative+: When we create a world in Creative+ we must code spawn protection to avoid the possibility of getting banned due to rule 6.2. but coding spawn protection every time we create a world can be really annoying. In my opinion, C+ games should include a...
  15. Aalus


    Mineland definitely needs an automated moderation system. Adding such a system would reduce rule violations. Whenever a player breaks server rules, they would receive a warning, and if they keep violating the server rules, they would be temporarily muted. The reason for this is that moderators...
  16. Aalus

    Tutorial on "How to code trampoline"

    Player standing on block -) launch vertically (69), Send Title (Bing Bong).
  17. Aalus

    Creative+ Mineland: The Unbound Server

    Hello Mineland team! I have a suggestion that might greatly increase the Mineland server experience. It would be AMAZING if Mineland could add a variety of interesting events such as build battles and parkour challenges. These events could give juicy rewards like gold and even special ranks for...
  18. Aalus

    Creative+ Suggestion related to coding

    Greetings Mineland developers! The coding system for creative+ games is nice, but if trigonometric functions were added to Mineland, it would be way better. Right now, we have to code each trigonometric function ourselves, which can be a bit bothersome. I think it would be great if the creative+...
  19. Aalus

    Suggestion related to /f join

    The "/f join" command has consistently not been functioning as expected. When we use the command "/f join (player)," the server instead teleports players to their last online game. This issue has persisted for over two years 😱, and it's very essential to address and resolve this problem ASAP!
  20. Aalus

    Resolved Justice for aalus

    Let's stand together for justice and support Aalus! It's kinda sad that he was banned from the Discord server following an incident with @15crystalX. We all make mistakes, but it's important to learn and grow from them. Aalus had his share of challenges, facing depression and struggling with...