Gamer_48 – The Ultimate Bedwars Camper


Mar 3, 2025
Gamer_48 is the worst kind of Bedwars player the type who joins duos just to camp all game. While everyone else is rushing, fighting, and actually playing, he’s busy building himself a little bunker, stacking resources like he’s playing survival mode. And the best part? Camping isn’t even allowed on the server.

But here’s where it gets funny whenever he’s forced into a PvP fight, he gets absolutely destroyed. No amount of camping can save him when it comes down to skill, and every time I beat him, he loses it. Instead of getting better, he just starts raging and throwing insults. At one point, he got so mad that he straight-up cursed out my whole family, even dropping a “your mom is a whore” like that was supposed to offend me.

Honestly, I’m chillI don’t care about his weak insults. But it’s hilarious how he camps, breaks the rules, still loses, and then acts like it’s everyone else’s fault. Maybe if he spent less time hiding and more time actually improving, he wouldn’t have to rely on crying in chat after every loss.
Mar 3, 2025
xzukos99 I respect you as you were just trying to have a good game but I am afraid that a few things you said might be and are wrong
. According to the .rules》bw/sw their is no rule that prohibits bed defending or camping also mark me if I am wrong
. I do think that gamer_48 was a bit too aggressive with his comments also instead of trying to stop the debate you were just putting fuel in the fire and if you think you were not, I can link a vedio here
That's all I wanted to say , don't mean to cause any debate over this topic anymore just sharing my perspective.
Thankyou . Have a great day/night a head


New member
Mar 4, 2025
Gamer_48 is the worst kind of Bedwars player the type who joins duos just to camp all game. While everyone else is rushing, fighting, and actually playing, he’s busy building himself a little bunker, stacking resources like he’s playing survival mode. And the best part? Camping isn’t even allowed on the server.

But here’s where it gets funny whenever he’s forced into a PvP fight, he gets absolutely destroyed. No amount of camping can save him when it comes down to skill, and every time I beat him, he loses it. Instead of getting better, he just starts raging and throwing insults. At one point, he got so mad that he straight-up cursed out my whole family, even dropping a “your mom is a whore” like that was supposed to offend me.

Honestly, I’m chillI don’t care about his weak insults. But it’s hilarious how he camps, breaks the rules, still loses, and then acts like it’s everyone else’s fault. Maybe if he spent less time hiding and more time actually improving, he wouldn’t have to rely on crying in chat after every loss.
Cry even more harder haha placing tnt while you said its a 1vs1 also your teamate was hacking so no chance you still got thrashed .Kiddo get better .


Mar 3, 2025
xzukos99 I respect you as you were just trying to have a good game but I am afraid that a few things you said might be and are wrong
. According to the .rules》bw/sw their is no rule that prohibits bed defending or camping also mark me if I am wrong
. I do think that gamer_48 was a bit too aggressive with his comments also instead of trying to stop the debate you were just putting fuel in the fire and if you think you were not, I can link a vedio here
That's all I wanted to say , don't mean to cause any debate over this topic anymore just sharing my perspective.
Thankyou . Have a great day/night a head
I appreciate your perspective, but there’s something important being overlooked here. This isn’t just about camping or bed defending it’s about Gamer_48’s behavior in chat.

You mentioned that there’s no rule against camping in Bedwars, but what about outright cursing at someone’s family? Gamer_48 didn’t just trash talk; he went as far as to curse out my entire family, even calling my mother a whore. That’s clear toxicity, and if Mineland’s rules are even remotely fair, this kind of behavior should not be tolerated.

Instead of focusing on whether or not camping is allowed, the real question is: Is it acceptable for players to insult families and get away with it? If a simple “tf” can get people muted, then how is this being ignored?


Mar 3, 2025
Cry even more harder haha placing tnt while you said its a 1vs1 also your teamate was hacking so no chance you still got thrashed .Kiddo get better .
Cry even more harder haha placing tnt while you said its a 1vs1 also your teamate was hacking so no chance you still got thrashed .Kiddo get better .
Oh wow, Gamer_48, I had no idea you were a crying instructor. Since you seem so experienced in it, maybe you can teach me how to cry, because I honestly have zero experience in that field. You, on the other hand, seem to be a professional camping all game, losing in PvP, then raging in chat. That’s some next-level emotional breakdown right there.

Also, nice try blaming a hacker when you got thrashed fair and square. It’s funny how you suddenly care about “fair fights” when you spend half the game hiding behind 20 layers of wool. Maybe instead of focusing on making excuses, you could actually try getting good at the game. Just a thought.
Mar 3, 2025
I appreciate your perspective, but there’s something important being overlooked here. This isn’t just about camping or bed defending it’s about Gamer_48’s behavior in chat.

You mentioned that there’s no rule against camping in Bedwars, but what about outright cursing at someone’s family? Gamer_48 didn’t just trash talk; he went as far as to curse out my entire family, even calling my mother a whore. That’s clear toxicity, and if Mineland’s rules are even remotely fair, this kind of behavior should not be tolerated.

Instead of focusing on whether or not camping is allowed, the real question is: Is it acceptable for players to insult families and get away with it? If a simple “tf” can get people muted, then how is this being ignored?
As i said Gamer_48 behavior in the !G chat was not something to ignore and just so you know he did got muted for it right after the match ended also i think of it as if someone is abusing in chat about me or anything related to me i would much rather ignore him . Gamer_48 did said your mother a wh*** and its his fault and he got punished for it but i concede you got it upon your self by continuing the debate in chat with him .Its not like he started with calling your mother that word the debate went far enough now i expect you to be the bigger person here . Also people do call me a lot of things one guy said(i will R*P* you in !g ) don't take it that seriously at the end of the day we are party of the mineland community anything we say do will come upon us in the end


Mar 3, 2025
Let’s be clear I have a problem with Gamer_48, not with you. He’s the one who cursed out my family, yet for some reason, you’re the one acting offended. Why are you trying so hard to speak for him? If he was muted, that means the mods already decided he was in the wrong, so why are you still defending him?

Also, telling me to just ignore it? That’s not how I work. A person without a personality stays silent when they’re disrespected, lets things slide, and never stands up for themselves. That’s not me. If someone crosses a line, I’ll call it out, simple as that.

I reported his actions, and now you’re acting like that’s the real issue instead of what he actually said. If this situation has nothing to do with you, maybe ask yourself why you’re so invested in defending someone who couldn’t even defend himself without breaking the rules.
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Mar 3, 2025
Lamo first of all if you really intended to report his actions you would have report him in the rules violation thread not here , as veryone can see it talk with a mod or something. Also he got muted what else you want :-:

Gamer_48 is my friend and if you are a person who stands for yourself. I am a
slo a person who stands up for herself and her friends altho I get satisfied after the verdict gets pushed unlike someone. By the way I was also present at the time the debate between you and gamer_48 was going on

If you really want report him go on open a report on the chat violation threat.
I really HOPED(not telling you to do it) you would stand down a bit and let it slide but you really want him to say more about you huh well so be it

Also I didn't say anything to you read my messages again. You did provoke me too in that game we had don't forget that .


New member
Mar 4, 2025
Oh wow, Gamer_48, I had no idea you were a crying instructor. Since you seem so experienced in it, maybe you can teach me how to cry, because I honestly have zero experience in that field. You, on the other hand, seem to be a professional camping all game, losing in PvP, then raging in chat. That’s some next-level emotional breakdown right there.

Also, nice try blaming a hacker when you got thrashed fair and square. It’s funny how you suddenly care about “fair fights” when you spend half the game hiding behind 20 layers of wool. Maybe instead of focusing on making excuses, you could actually try getting good at the game. Just

You got clapped in the game, then ran your mouth and got clapped again. At this point, even NPCs have a better win rate than you.


Mar 3, 2025
Lamo first of all if you really intended to report his actions you would have report him in the rules violation thread not here , as veryone can see it talk with a mod or something. Also he got muted what else you want :-:

Gamer_48 is my friend and if you are a person who stands for yourself. I am a
slo a person who stands up for herself and her friends altho I get satisfied after the verdict gets pushed unlike someone. By the way I was also present at the time the debate between you and gamer_48 was going on

If you really want report him go on open a report on the chat violation threat.
I really HOPED(not telling you to do it) you would stand down a bit and let it slide but you really want him to say more about you huh well so be it

Also I didn't say anything to you read my messages again. You did provoke me too in that game we had don't forget that .
Oh, so now you’re telling me where and how I should report someone? That’s funny because the report worked, didn’t it? He got muted, meaning I did the right thing. So what exactly is your problem?

You keep saying you “stand up for your friends,” but defending someone who got punished for breaking the rules just makes you look biased. If you actually cared about fairness, you’d admit Gamer_48 was in the wrong instead of trying to twist this into something else.

Also, don’t act like you’re some kind of neutral observer when you were in the game and clearly involved in the argument. You’re not just a random bystander you’re defending a friend who got caught breaking the rules, and that’s why you’re so pressed.

And let’s be real you “hoped” I would let it slide because that would make things easier for you and your friend. But guess what? I don’t let disrespect slide, and I never will.

This is the last time I’m wasting energy on this nonsense. If you want to keep defending rule breakers, that’s on you. I’ve said what I needed to say, and I’m moving on.


Mar 3, 2025
You camp, you stall, and when you finally get beaten in PvP, you start crying in chat like it’s a therapy session. That’s not skill that’s just pure embarrassment.

You talk big, but the second you're out of your little base, you fold faster than a cheap lawn chair. How are you calling my win rate bad when you got dropped multiple times? You got humbled in the game, and now you’re trying to save face with weak insults.

At this point, you should stop throwing rocks while standing in a glass house, because the only thing shattering is your credibility.


Mar 3, 2025
Lamo first of all if you really intended to report his actions you would have report him in the rules violation thread not here , as veryone can see it talk with a mod or something. Also he got muted what else you want :-:

Gamer_48 is my friend and if you are a person who stands for yourself. I am a
slo a person who stands up for herself and her friends altho I get satisfied after the verdict gets pushed unlike someone. By the way I was also present at the time the debate between you and gamer_48 was going on

If you really want report him go on open a report on the chat violation threat.
I really HOPED(not telling you to do it) you would stand down a bit and let it slide but you really want him to say more about you huh well so be it

Also I didn't say anything to you read my messages again. You did provoke me too in that game we had don't forget that .
I don’t camp games like a noob I rush. I’ve already beaten both Kirara and Gamer_48 in PvP, so what’s your excuse now? I’m not the one who started this fight it was Gamer_48 who threw the first stone. So, Kirara, maybe you should teach your friend how to play an online game without being toxic.
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Mar 3, 2025
You got clapped in the game, then ran your mouth and got clapped again. At this point, even NPCs have a better win rate than you.
asked you for a 1v1, but you’re too scared to accept and just ignored me. LOL, guess that’s what happens when you’re all talk and no action.

If you’re gonna keep acting tough, at least back it up instead of hiding behind excuses. Stop camping, step up, and let’s see who really has the skills. You clearly know you’re gonna get clapped again, which is why you’re running from the challenge.

Oh, so when I challenge you to a 1v1, you say "STFU"? Violating chat rules again, huh? Guess it's just another day for you breaking the rules and running your mouth.

You can’t even accept a challenge without getting toxic and messing up in the chat. Keep talking, but we all know you’re just scared to back up any of that trash talk.
Mar 3, 2025
Oh, so now you’re telling me where and how I should report someone? That’s funny because the report worked, didn’t it? He got muted, meaning I did the right thing. So what exactly is your problem?

You keep saying you “stand up for your friends,” but defending someone who got punished for breaking the rules just makes you look biased. If you actually cared about fairness, you’d admit Gamer_48 was in the wrong instead of trying to twist this into something else.

Also, don’t act like you’re some kind of neutral observer when you were in the game and clearly involved in the argument. You’re not just a random bystander you’re defending a friend who got caught breaking the rules, and that’s why you’re so pressed.

And let’s be real you “hoped” I would let it slide because that would make things easier for you and your friend. But guess what? I don’t let disrespect slide, and I never will.

This is the last time I’m wasting energy on this nonsense. If you want to keep defending rule breakers, that’s on you. I’ve said what I needed to say, and I’m moving on.
What you can't read of something? Go through my text again and then say stuff I bet you read the first few lines and just make a decision out of your fragile ego . I already said it multiple time that he was wrong and he got punished for it
Report what exactly the game was at around 5:00pm he got punished instantly and your report was posted at 7pm . I am just saying to stop provoke gamer_48 as he got waht he deserved
And by the way I didn't text a word in that game about you or your teammate so don't say I was involved in it
And of you really think you are that much of a good guy then go a head say it you didn't provoked gamer_48 first . Also that gamer_48 start the conversation with saying your mom was a ho*r* as according to you you were all chill you didn't say a word to us and gamer_48 just said your mother was a ho*r* for no reason at all


Mar 3, 2025
You literally just admitted that Gamer_48 was in the wrong and got what he deserved, so don’t try to act like you’re the moral high ground here. If you agree he was guilty, then what exactly are you arguing for? Just shut up and stop defending someone who was toxic from the start.

And about my fragile ego nice try, but I’m not the one hiding behind empty words and trying to make others look bad. If you think me standing up for myself is a fragile ego, then maybe you should check yourself. You keep talking about it like it’s some huge issue, but honestly, I’m fine. It’s clear you’re more invested in defending a toxic player than in actually being objective.

I didn’t provoke anyone, and if you weren’t involved in this, maybe you should stop speaking for him. You were in the game, you saw what happened, so stop pretending like you weren’t part of this.


Mar 3, 2025
OK do you got proof I was involved?
Yes, you were involved because you were in the game, and you’ve already admitted that Gamer_48 got what he deserved, which means you know exactly what happened. If you were not involved, you wouldn’t have said anything. You can’t just pretend to be a bystander when you’ve been defending the toxic behavior. You clearly saw the whole thing, so stop acting like you weren't part of the situation. The proof is in your own words.
Mar 3, 2025
Yes, you were involved because you were in the game, and you’ve already admitted that Gamer_48 got what he deserved, which means you know exactly what happened. If you were not involved, you wouldn’t have said anything. You can’t just pretend to be a bystander when you’ve been defending the toxic behavior. You clearly saw the whole thing, so stop acting like you weren't part of the situation. The proof is in your own words.
OK being in the game with you means that I was involved in the trash talking that's no proof show me ss or vedio if you have it