Gamer_48 is the worst kind of Bedwars player the type who joins duos just to camp all game. While everyone else is rushing, fighting, and actually playing, he’s busy building himself a little bunker, stacking resources like he’s playing survival mode. And the best part? Camping isn’t even allowed on the server.
But here’s where it gets funny whenever he’s forced into a PvP fight, he gets absolutely destroyed. No amount of camping can save him when it comes down to skill, and every time I beat him, he loses it. Instead of getting better, he just starts raging and throwing insults. At one point, he got so mad that he straight-up cursed out my whole family, even dropping a “your mom is a whore” like that was supposed to offend me.
Honestly, I’m chillI don’t care about his weak insults. But it’s hilarious how he camps, breaks the rules, still loses, and then acts like it’s everyone else’s fault. Maybe if he spent less time hiding and more time actually improving, he wouldn’t have to rely on crying in chat after every loss.
But here’s where it gets funny whenever he’s forced into a PvP fight, he gets absolutely destroyed. No amount of camping can save him when it comes down to skill, and every time I beat him, he loses it. Instead of getting better, he just starts raging and throwing insults. At one point, he got so mad that he straight-up cursed out my whole family, even dropping a “your mom is a whore” like that was supposed to offend me.
Honestly, I’m chillI don’t care about his weak insults. But it’s hilarious how he camps, breaks the rules, still loses, and then acts like it’s everyone else’s fault. Maybe if he spent less time hiding and more time actually improving, he wouldn’t have to rely on crying in chat after every loss.