Greetings Prison players!


Head Mod | Core Staff
Staff member
Sr. Moderator
May 19, 2023
Guess I'll be the first post in this thread ;)

Please be reminded that all conversations/posts here should only be related to prison.
- Tell us how it's like in prison so far
- Anything that you want to suggest?
- Anything that bothers you?
- Share with us your levels and prestige levels too!

With that being said, enjoy everyone <3

Best regards,


May 19, 2023
Guess I'll be the first post in this thread ;)

Please be reminded that all conversations/posts here should only be related to prison.
- Tell us how it's like in prison so far
- Anything that you want to suggest?
- Anything that bothers you?
- Share with us your levels and prestige levels too!

With that being said, enjoy everyone <3

Best regards,
what bothers me is that
1- prison players are most toxic (cannot change that)
2- a lvl 70 can crush a lvl 50 (they camped me for 1 h straight :( )
3- no achivements ( like first to mine 1million blocks etc)
4- bug that dragged ezolile to lowest possible position
5- spawn protection must end at a flat broad area not a single bridge where there is nowherer to escape to
6- you can display task progress on scoreboard i have to check everytime i want to check
(im making all these changes in my version of prison)


May 19, 2023
Guess I'll be the first post in this thread ;)

Please be reminded that all conversations/posts here should only be related to prison.
- Tell us how it's like in prison so far
- Anything that you want to suggest?
- Anything that bothers you?
- Share with us your levels and prestige levels too!

With that being said, enjoy everyone <3

Best regards,
2nd reply im cool


New member
Oct 8, 2023
- Tell us how it's like in prison so far
It's fun to play prison, great for fun, spending time with new friends, and helping each other, however, it gets painful when someone tries to kill or camping the area and the player needs to leave the area to finish their requirements.

- Anything that you want to suggest?
Probably no.

- Anything that bothers you?
Yeah, I always have a curious question in my mind; Do prisons get rebirth? If not, a long time ago I used to play mineland using tlauncher. But yesterday I got Minecraft gifted and when I logged in to MineLand from my cracked account, I lost stuff in prison.

- Share with us your levels and prestige levels too!
I used to have more than 25 levels in prison, right now I have 1 level. I need something that is possible to transfer or restore stuff, please.


May 19, 2023
- Tell us how it's like in prison so far
It's fun to play prison, great for fun, spending time with new friends, and helping each other, however, it gets painful when someone tries to kill or camping the area and the player needs to leave the area to finish their requirements.

- Anything that you want to suggest?
Probably no.

- Anything that bothers you?
Yeah, I always have a curious question in my mind; Do prisons get rebirth? If not, a long time ago I used to play mineland using tlauncher. But yesterday I got Minecraft gifted and when I logged in to MineLand from my cracked account, I lost stuff in prison.

- Share with us your levels and prestige levels too!
I used to have more than 25 levels in prison, right now I have 1 level. I need something that is possible to transfer or restore stuff, please.
Prison map and progress have been restarted for all players recently so you can't restore your progress and stuff. Basically we all started from 0.
Prison does have rebirths and it is called Prestige in there. When you reach level 120 you can prestige. There is 20 levels of prestige. You can check what prestige gives by typing /prestige or in game compass by clicking on golden apple.
For players that camping near mines and passages only solution is to team up with other players to kill those who are camping and to play together protecting each other. Be careful since most of those campers have fasttp command and they can come back to mines within 30 seconds.


New member
Oct 8, 2023
I did not know that prison does rebirth, I needed to know that, thank you! :D


New member
Oct 8, 2023
Also, how do you apply your own skin? All I see in-game is a black and blue suit, a black face with red eyes or something like that.


May 19, 2023
Also, how do you apply your own skin? All I see in-game is a black and blue suit, a black face with red eyes or something like that.
You can set skin with /skin [name] for example /skin Dream. Then rejoin to server. Name should be Premium username who is wearing that skin. Skins are a bit of messed up depending on launcher used and some other things I am not aware of. They might not show correctly or they might. For example I see some skins differently on my main account and on my work account although they are same launcher and version.
My apologies to moderation for replying here but there is no general category on forum to discus these things and player asked.


New member
Oct 8, 2023
You can set skin with /skin [name] for example /skin Dream. Then rejoin to server. Name should be Premium username who is wearing that skin. Skins are a bit of messed up depending on launcher used and some other things I am not aware of. They might not show correctly or they might. For example I see some skins differently on my main account and on my work account although they are same launcher and version.
My apologies to moderation for replying here but there is no general category on forum to discus these things and player asked.
Thank you! I can finally set my own skin.