Heya, this guide will show you how to code a plot system( Skilled+ required):
Go to "0,0,0" Coordinates and make a 16x16 plot:

(Sorry for the quality of image)
Now make a walls using any block over the yellow concrete max height can be 10 blocks.
Notes: You can follow the video tutorial - Video
Go to "0,0,0" Coordinates and make a 16x16 plot:

(Sorry for the quality of image)
Now make a walls using any block over the yellow concrete max height can be 10 blocks.
Player event( Join game) If variable NOT exists[( %player%_plot(saved)) -> Increment Variable( Plot_X(saved), +16) -> If variable MORE THAN[( Plot_X(saved), 352(your plot max x coordinate) -> Set variable( Plot_X = 0) -> Increment Variable( Plot_Z(saved), +16) If variable MORE THAN[( Plot_Z(saved), 352) -> Set variable( Plot_Z(saved), 0) -> Incremet Variable( Plot_Y(saved), +14)]] Set location values( Copy_Plot(saved), Location variable( 0,4,7,0,0), RELATIVE X axis( Plot_X(saved)) -> RELATIVE Y axis( Plot_Y(saved)) -> RELATIVE Z axis( Plot_Z(saved)) -> Set location Values( %player%_Plot, Location variable(0,7,7,0,0), RELATIVE X axis( Plot_X(saved)) -> RELATIVE Y axis( Plot_Y(saved)) -> RELATIVE Z axis( Plot_Z(saved)) -> Game action COPY BLOCKS( top of the plot from the border corner, Digonally to the top point the bottom of yellow concrete corner, Location variable(0,4,7,0,0), Copy_Plot(saved))] -> Teleport Player( %player%_Plot)
Formatted Code:
# Player Join Game Event
Player event(Join game)
-> If variable NOT exists[%player%_plot(saved)]
-> Increment Variable(Plot_X(saved), +16)
-> If variable MORE THAN(Plot_X(saved), 352)
-> Set variable(Plot_X(saved) = 0)
-> Increment Variable(Plot_Z(saved), +16)
-> If variable MORE THAN(Plot_Z(saved), 352)
-> Set variable(Plot_Z(saved) = 0)
-> Increment Variable(Plot_Y(saved), +14)
-> Set location values(Copy_Plot(saved), Location variable(0,4,7,0,0),
RELATIVE X axis(Plot_X(saved)), RELATIVE Y axis(Plot_Y(saved)), RELATIVE Z axis(Plot_Z(saved)))
-> Set location Values(%player%_Plot, Location variable(0,7,7,0,0),
RELATIVE X axis(Plot_X(saved)), RELATIVE Y axis(Plot_Y(saved)), RELATIVE Z axis(Plot_Z(saved)))
-> Game action COPY BLOCKS(top of the plot from the border corner,
Diagonally to the top point the bottom of yellow concrete corner,
Location variable(0,4,7,0,0), Copy_Plot(saved))
-> Teleport Player(%player%_Plot)
Notes: You can follow the video tutorial - Video