Global/Other Mechanisms, Tips and Tricks to voting for Mineland.


New member
Jun 18, 2023

So, I have been receiving numerous dms asking me for how I am able to maintain the first spot every month in voting. I am tired of explaining this to everyone individually so let me provide you with all the tips and tricks that allow me to get the maximum votes possible and maintain the first spot.

I will break this post into 4 parts describing the mechanics of every voting site :-
1. TopMinecraftServers
2. TopG
3. MCSL (Premium)
4. Minecraft-MP

These are the voting websites that a user can potentially vote on in order to attain votes on the Mineland monthly voting leaderboard.


1. TopMinecraftServers

TopMinecraftServers is the first voting site that a person can vote on free for both Cracked and Premium accounts (usernames).

1. This voting website allows voting for both Cracked and Premium accounts. So it allows a user to vote despite being a cracked account.

2. It works on a 24 hour cooldown mechanism. So a person can vote on this website once everyday.

3. This website refreshes everyday at 12 A.M. est. You can calculate that in terms of your time zone in order to get the refresh time according to your time zone.

4. It is not dependent on the time that a user votes. For example : If a user votes at 5:00 am est on day 1 of any month, the site refreshes at 12:00 am est and will allow the same user to vote at anytime after 12 am est on day 2 even before 5:00 am est in this example.

Therefore, from the first site alone a user can get up to 30 votes maximum (depending upon the days in the month).

2. TopG
Topg is another one of the voting website that allows both Cracked and Premium users to vote.

1. This voting website allows voting for both Cracked and Premium accounts. So it allows a user to vote despite being a cracked account.

2. It works on a 12 hour cooldown mechanism. So a person can vote on this website two times everyday.

3. This website does not have a definite refresh time.

4. It is dependent on the time when a user votes. For example: If a user votes at 5:00 am est, the website will allow the next vote at 5:00 pm on the same day. A user cannot vote anytime before it.

Therefore, from the second site a user can get up to 60 votes (30 x 2) maximum (depending upon the days in the month).

3. MCSL (Premium)
MCSL is a voting website that only allows Premium users to vote. Only users with a premium in game name can vote on this website.

1. This voting website allows voting for Premium accounts only. So it allows a user who has a premium account to vote.

2. It works on a 24 hour cooldown mechanism. So a person can vote on this website once everyday.

3. This website does not have a definite refresh time. It refreshes at 7:00 pm est everyday but that does not have any impact on when a user votes on the website.

4. It is dependent on the time when a user votes. For example: If a user votes at 5:00 am est, it would allow the next vote to be at anytime after 5:00 am est the next day. A user cannot vote on the website anytime before the time that he voted the previous day.

Therefore, from the third site a user can get up to 30 votes maximum (depending upon the days in the month).

4. Minecraft-MP

Minecraft-MP is the fourth voting site that a person can vote on free for both Cracked and Premium accounts (usernames).

1. This voting website allows voting for both Cracked and Premium accounts. So it allows a user to vote despite being a cracked account.

2. It works on a 24 hour cooldown mechanism. So a person can vote on this website once everyday.

3. This website refreshes everyday at 12 A.M. est. You can calculate that in terms of your time zone in order to get the refresh time according to your time zone.

4. It is not dependent on the time that a user votes. For example : If a user votes at 5:00 am est on day 1 of any month, the site refreshes at 12:00 am est and will allow the same user to vote at anytime after 12 am est on day 2 even before 5:00 am est in this example.

Therefore, from this site a user can get up to 30 votes maximum (depending upon the days in the month).

5. In Game (Cracked)

This is a method that has been recently introduced by the devs in order to give the Cracked players of Mineland a chance to compete in the monthly voting leaderboards.
After voting on all the above mentioned voting websites (except MCSL) a Cracked user can claim an additional vote in game through claiming the diamond in the voting NPC (present in hubs and minigame lobbies).


So by voting through all the above mentioned methods both Cracked and Premium users can attain a total of 5 votes per day i.e.
TopMinecraftServers = 1
+ TopG = 2
+ Minecraft-MP = 1
+ MCSL = 1
+ In game (1)

Total = 5

I hope this helps you in understanding how every voting site works and solves any questions that you have about the topic.
If you face any other problems feel free to contact me in discord - maddyexe1687082470028.png

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Head of moderation
Staff member
Sr. Moderator
May 19, 2023


Head of moderation
Staff member
Sr. Moderator
May 19, 2023
why do we need to support ml anyway (i mean ml makes us to quit it by giving us a premium acc if we placed num1 on the voting leadboard)
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New member
Jun 18, 2023
welp not very sure about it, but he is dedicated to voting as it benefits him in various ways.
using the emeralds he has been able to buy helper rank, and he further trades the monthly premium keys with other players for gold or other store bought items that he likes.
a total win-win situation for him
Ayo man just made my whole plan public.