New profile posts

ezezeez Your profile number is lower than MY profile number, this is unnaceptable!
Why in the universe is my profile full of players calling me "sir" and asking for a shoutout 💀

Who even needs the sponsor rank to be a "celebrity"
sir how to play c+? I cant see it but ppl can play it
First of all I ain't "sir" 💀 anyways, you need atleast 6 house of playtime in order to have acccess to c+ in which you can code the whole auction house, logarithm with base n, perlin noise and much more!
Hey I don't know where to go to get unbanned but I got permanently banned for multi accounting when I did not even have more than one account and even so. the rules state that multi accounting gets the main account banned for only up to 1 month not forever please tell me how I can get unbanned.
Only alt accounts are banned for 3650d