Recent content by ohio920dagamer

  1. O

    Global/Other Hiding rank

    I'll join a skywars game and then some idiot will come in and look at me like i'm some kind of god, it's annoying, I want to be treated like a normal player, if it's not possible already PLEASE add some kind of way to hide your rank from people.
  2. O

    Is C+ going to be updated to 1.16.5 anytime soon?

    That better be a yes D:<
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    Is C+ going to be updated to 1.16.5 anytime soon?

    I've heard C+ is going to be supposedly be updated to 1.16.5, is this ever going to happen within my lifetime?
  4. O

    How do you use gold and silver?

    You don't use it. There's nothing to do with it.
  5. O

    Shop item suggestion

    Player Tracker Can track a player from any team 2 emeralds Persists after death Used to find the last few players in end-game
  6. O

    Progress erased

    My skyblock 1.16.5 progress has been erased, and my items cleared from everything, has this happened to anyone else?
  7. O

    Important thing that you should do Mineland "READ"

    1.8 pvp is over-rated, they should update to 1.9 tbh
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    BedWars Quad teams

    Quads mode/4 player teams for bedwars. It seems like it would fit pretty well
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    skyblock idea

    no it doesnt seem to
  12. O

    skyblock idea

    SB Idea Auction House it works somewhat like the already existing auction command in skyblock, but instead you get to look at a list of auctioned items. it works by holding the item you want to auction, naming a price, then it wil lbe sold on the auction hosue
  13. O

    Greetings SkyWars players!

    i was here (7th post on this thread)