Recent content by P1r4te_Gaming

  1. P1r4te_Gaming

    Can i make this

    Greetings! Unfortunately, you cannot make any farms that causes intentional lags and disruptions for the other players on the server. Building huge farms that lags or crashes the server (for instance - A stone farm creating over 40,000 blocks per hour, difficult Redstone schemes) is forbidden...
  2. P1r4te_Gaming

    Skyblock's Robbery

    RMB is Right Mouse Button. You need to Right Click on the new player in order to get the Skyblock Cases. I hope my message clears everything. Have a nice day ahead!
  3. P1r4te_Gaming

    no u x7

    no u x7
  4. P1r4te_Gaming

    I love Mineland Network!!

    I love Mineland Network!!
  5. P1r4te_Gaming

    That's crazy!

    That's crazy!