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  1. P

    Popular game in c+ | How to apply? [Question]

    I just want to ask how to apply for popular game in c+, i just saw a game being in the popular segment in /g
  2. P

    I am bored so, i will make a guide for 2d ,1 step vector

    only python has this stuff like circle() and stuff
  3. P

    I am bored so, i will make a guide for 2d ,1 step vector

    there is no function here to do this without trigno metry
  4. P

    Guides 2.0

    Ask me anything related to coding i will reply
  5. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    There are many. Like coding is ml is childs play i dont even remember asking a tutorial or someones help in coding something. Real program is much more challanging, if i asked you a single thing in real life coding you wont be able to askwer that
  6. P

    Resolved update the website

    Lmao 'everyone is equal' when you need rank to even access the server
  7. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    From what i am seeing from that statement is you don't know a shit about coding
  8. P

    Creative+ Suggestion to improve ,C+

    did i asked? also apparently you don't need an 'AI' to code that.
  9. P

    how to join creative servers

    you need 6 hours of play time to join
  10. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    Stop talking when you don't know a shit
  11. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    I actually didnt even used it except for the sorting thing i already know 90% i just said 'i checked it from cs book, only the sorting' I bet aalu doesnt know anything about coding, he just want to defame the fact that i coded something
  12. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    Welp i ain't 'advanced cs guy' but yea i am currently studying cs (Python)
  13. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    Atleast i dont end up compairing myself to the biology book
  14. P

    Creative+ Suggestion to improve ,C+

    Probably just add a search bar to search any world you want, sometimes players found it tricky to find the game they really want and causes to waste there time by flipping many pages through games and still find nothing..
  15. P

    2 things you probably forgot can help you..

    #1 You can make a glowing block by spawning a shulker block at that position #2 You can make a npc that actually feels like npc, not like a still figure, using recrusive function and tp-ing it to the location you spawned it and switiching the tp-ing method to only coordinates.
  16. P

    How to code a circling particle,

    Sphere could be a easy code too but difficult to explain here
  17. P

    How to code a circling particle,

    First of all place a function then place select random player then place select default player then following: let a variable for angle of circle (x) Than use += to increase the variable by 5 (or your choise, more the number more the speed) Then use radian function to get the radian of 'x' ...
  18. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    Ahh.. yes ik you could be using phone or somethin also yea i am banned for mineland commin back in may (2 months ban)
  19. P

    How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...

    Also, tilt your phone if u are using phonr to understand this code ,