How to code a bidding/auc system like skyblock [ML]...


Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: :
Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: :
Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice


LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number,
Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item '
Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]

Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]


Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : :
Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : :
Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: :
Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'

Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)
Also tell me there were any errors
Last edited:


Feb 28, 2024
Also, tilt your phone if u are using phonr to understand this code

Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: :
Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: :
Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice


LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number,
Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item '
Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]

Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]


Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : :
Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : :
Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: :
Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'

Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)
Also tell me there were any errors

Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: :
Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: :
Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice


LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number,
Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item '
Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]

Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]


Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : :
Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : :
Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: :
Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'

Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)

Also tell me there were any errors


Active member
Jun 2, 2023
I would suggest that you make it less "colorful".. Not everything has to be color coded
what format are you using? This pseudocode looks messy ngl

nonetheless, cool guide, can't wait for the next one


Feb 28, 2024
I would suggest that you make it less "colorful".. Not everything has to be color coded
what format are you using? This pseudocode looks messy ngl

nonetheless, cool guide, can't wait for the next one
Ahh.. yes ik you could be using phone or somethin also yea i am banned for mineland commin back in may (2 months ban)


Big Bandar
May 20, 2023

Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: :
Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: :
Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice


LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number,
Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item '
Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]

Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]


Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : :
Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : :
Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: :
Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'

Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)
Also tell me there were any errors
Bro cannot make a single guide without mentioning the word 'aalus'


Big Bandar
May 20, 2023

Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: :
Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: :
Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice


LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number,
Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item '
Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]

Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]


Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : :
Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : :
Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : :
Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: :
Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'

Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)
Also tell me there were any errors
Also you stole this from your C.S book so stfu


Big Bandar
May 20, 2023
he aint C.S lmfao, not even close to one. Just an ordinary math person who plays on ml
Well he coded advance auction house by the help of his C.S book (apparently) according to Dakshbro


Feb 28, 2024
"advanced" is also overexaggerated. Like wdym by advanced? it has the filter stuff? Oh cool, i wonder how we can do that? Oh, look at that thing called sorting
Welp i ain't 'advanced cs guy' but yea i am currently studying cs (Python)


Active member
Jun 2, 2023
@deefer You could've said all that in one post, anyways
Well he coded advance auction house by the help of his C.S book (apparently) according to Dakshbro
You don't need a "CS Book" for "advanced auction house"


Feb 28, 2024
@deefer You could've said all that in one post, anyways

You don't need a "CS Book" for "advanced auction house"
I actually didnt even used it except for the sorting thing i already know 90% i just said 'i checked it from cs book, only the sorting'
I bet aalu doesnt know anything about coding, he just want to defame the fact that i coded something


Active member
Jun 2, 2023
stfu, thats how i CHAT. Omg you are so smart you fell into one of the easiest trap ever, "phishing links" dayum and now a tech guy is banned! Damn you should've used your wisdom to think wisely before clicking on that link to protect YOUR own privacy, not making a coherent out of ones saying.