Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: : Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: : Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: : Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
: Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice
LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number, Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
: Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
: Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item 'Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]
Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : : Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : : Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : : Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: : Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
: Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'
Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)
Also tell me there were any errors
Chat Event :
If holding NOT (Empty chest) :
Split Text: Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty] INFO: Neither one of this variable or array is %player%
Get Element: Array [A], Index: 1, Variable [C]
If Text equals, Variable [C], Text[to check]: '@auc' or your choice :
If variable NOT equals, Variable [Q] , Value '1' : # The variable 'Q' will be used later and it stores the value of there is already an item in auc
: Get Element: Array [A], Index: 2,Variable [C]
: Phrase Number: Variable [C], Text: Variable [C]
: If compare interval, Checking no: Variable [C], Less than: 1000000, More than: 0 :
: : Get Item value [Name], Variable [N], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Description], Variable [D], Item: Current Item
: : Get Item value [Amount], Variable [A], Item: Current Item
: : Send Message [All] 'N,D,A' (Line Separation) # You can modify this message as you like, Like with color and player name
: : Set Variable Variable [Q], Value '1' [This Message Describe the Player's item with amount and additional information]
: : Set Item Variable , Item Current Item
: : Set Variable Variable [T], Value '20'
: : Start Loop Counter
: : Set Variable Variable [CH] = '%player%'
: : Set Variable Variable [PS] = Variable [C]
: : Set Variable Variable [CP] = '0'
: Else:
: Send Message 'Error in amount' or your choice
Else :
Send Message 'There is already an item in queue' or your choice
LOOP [Counter] [ 20 ticks ] :
select random player
if compare number, Checking no: Variable [T], More than 0 :
: Set Variable Number Variable [T], -= 1 # -= means Minus equals to, fr this minus sign is pissing me off
Stop Loop Counter
Set Variable Variable [Q] = '0'
if variable equals Variable [CP] = '0' :
: Send Message 'No bids sold' (all)
Else :
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CP], Value '%selected%' ] #You can put current name(apple) instead of %selected%
Send Message 'Item sold to %selected%'
Give Variable Item 'Variable '
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] -= Variable [E]
select player by condition [ if variable equals Variable [CH], Value '%selected%' ]
Set Variable Number Variable [%selected%money] += Variable [E]
Chat Event:
if variable equals Variable [C], Value '1' :
Split Text Array [A], Text: Current Message, Text[Split]: ' ' [Space] or [Empty]
Get Element Array [A], Index '1', Variable [P]
If Text Equals Variable [P], Text[to check]: '@bid' or your choice :
Get Element Array [A], Index '2', Variable [E]
Phrase Number: Variable [E], Text: Variable [E]
If compare interval Checking no: Variable [E], Less than: Variable [%player%money], More than: 0 :
: if variable NOT equals Variable [CH], Value '%player%' :
: : If compare no Checking no: Variable [E], More than Variable [PS] :
: : : Set variable Variable [PS] = Variable [E]
: : : Send Message '%player%'s bid, Variable [E]' (all)
: : : Set Variable Variable [CP] = '%player%'
: : : Set Variable Variable [T] = '20'
: : Else :
: : Send Message 'Please put more amount than the previous one to place a bid'
: Else :
: Send Message 'You can't place bid on your own item'
Else :
Send Message 'You don't have this much money to place a bid or it could be error in amount'
Its a little complicated, made it so kids won't understand (definately not refering to aalus)
Also tell me there were any errors
Last edited: