SkyWars Skywars Mineland problems. This iceberg is too deep....

Jan 12, 2025
In the current realities, when SkyWars and BedWars were altered and took the concept from hypixel, there is a lack of originality in these modes. Of course, I'm not talking about the past balance of minigames, was not of the highest standard (ramming force, ninja kit, bridge builder, and swordsman with potion of strength II for a minute...), but the current "balance" has not benefited anyone significantly.

Let's start with the most annoying thing, and more specifically, the problems of what awaits the player at the mid. I'm talking about both items and maps. Of the items on the mid, what I would like to note, we can notice: diamond armor elements (chestplate, boots, helmet) with enchantments for protection 5, or no enchantments at all! The question immediately arises: where is the balance of the loot? The luck factor here begins to play a key role. A person in a full diamond armor set with protection V, successfully stolen from the mid, becomes unkillable.
Do I have to explain that 1-2 armor elements for protection 5 is enough to kill almost any player without these enchantments, especially if you know something about pvp here? We've all had a long berated Skywars past loot, but all the past "elf bows" pale in comparison to this lazy work. What's my point? The loot is very monotonous. Forever disappeared from the chests of wooden swords, chainmail armor elements and leather armor, the loot simply became inadequate and begins with a minimum of iron armor on the starting island, ending, you already see what. Such imbalanced things should be balanced. Let's say, on the center, on the first refill, the limit of dreams let be diamond things on prot. 1-2, with further Gradual strengthening of enchantments at subsequent refills, when the game has gone on long enough.

Back to the loot. Next on the list of bows for power 1 and 5. Speaking about the loot in general, I would like to see more bows, but not the bow from the center of the map (Power 5 bow o_o), which is an imbalance weapon, that is, destroying even a player with a full set of diamond armor with a few shots (Similar problem with the previous loot, for example, let's take the elf bow, but only with the difference that that had much weaker enchantments, more specifically - the power was level III, compensated by burning arrow) and fell out this bow only from "mega chests"
(we will talk a little later and about this). I would like to see not this railgun, but a normal, sensible bow without enchantments, or with the power I-II level and with the power of level III after 2 refills, with further strengthening after each refill.

After bows, we also have the rarest of all - ender-pearls. The rarest and the most harmless, because after playing on the new, neutered Skywars, the biggest problem was caused by kb3 stick, after which its drop rate was decreased, and now it is usually found on the second filling of chests. This kb stick is a valid threat, as the new maps are very open and dropping someone on them is a very easy task. I'm not arguing, the old Skywars also had a similar item, I'm talking about the stone sword on kb3, but back then the maps were different (there was something to hold on to, there was water flowing somewhere, there were areas under the map, etc.), there was also an abundance of ender pearls, which is now worth its weight in gold.

I won't say much about ender pearls, because since the early days of Skywars' reformation, almost no one has seen them in chests. I dare to assume that this is due to the fact that the developers did not bother and again began to look back at the Hypixel, borrowing from there and the second and the first filling of chests (as evidenced by a snowball count of 64 and other things).

Psst...Do you want to get ender-perls with any chance at all?

Buy a perk that gives you the unique ability to become an enderman! This is actually a modified version of the previous enderman perk, the only difference being that at the time there was little need for it, as the loot was completely different, and especially after the chance in the old perk was reduced to 20% per pearl for killing at max level. The current perk only gives you an ender perk if you push him (the player) into the abyss (30% chance).

And now, I'll tell you about what I originally and I started this topic. Bows on the power of 1 and 5, are more common, described earlier, but still not as often as, for example, the same swords on the sharpness and fire aspect. There is nothing to say about the bow for power 1, it is a threat only for unarmored players, for diamond players - no more than a slight tingle (Unless you get a real sniper, which on Skywars do not find them already), but the bow for power 5.... This is an extremely broken item, a fully charged shot of which, kills for 1-2 shots player with elements of diamond armor, and therefore, can cause problems and the player in diamond things with protection 4-5 lvl (not measured exactly how much shots, it all depends on the individual case).

In this case, hypixel loot played an even bigger joke than with the kb stick on the refill, because hypixel has its own system of shooting with a bow, I as an archer, I despise it in every possible way, but with its task it copes, balancing such a huge damage, less responsive control. It's really hard for you to get players on the strafes and jumps. This system also prevents functions tied to archery in many cheat clients from working properly.

And the last one is diamond armor for prot. IV-V. This armor turns pvp into a boring autoclickers battle, neither lava, nor bow for power 1, nor potions, - no other items do not cause significant damage and contribution to such pvp, because the damage that you will do, will be negligible. This is why players in most cases try to throw the full dia. players into the abyss, because it is the easiest and most effective way.

Now let's go into more detail about perks:

I personally don't see any sense in the builder perk, because at the starting chests you already get 16 blocks, which is enough to reach the center and use blocks during pvp with players.
To the center in general blocks are not even needed, unless you consider the only map Ancient Culture, where the distance between islands a little more than 4 blocks, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In general, I personally don't see the point of this perk at all, because you can literally collect 2 stacks by getting a little more than 1 chest, you know what I mean?

The problems with the "Freezing" perk start as early as its interpretation.
"Have a 40% chance to freeze your enemy after hitting them with an arrow"

First of all, it doesn't say what kind of freeze is it? After all, it's worth considering what it might be here? A simple slowdown? A full freeze? How long does it last? Absolutely no specifics, given that this is not just any perk, but a perk worth 20000 silver. The most expensive and exclusive, not all high rank players with a silver booster can get this number. The perk is clearly not worth it.

Adding this perk to Mineland is the weirdest idea ever.
Because mobs don't work properly here (To which the ex-developer 0xWave replied “lmao, that's the way it should be”) and attack absolutely everyone indiscriminately, including you.

Next I notice on the perk “expert miner” - after which subconsciously goes to the trash can with the title “Oh gosh, get this away from me!”. Digging in the mines here is too unprofitable, because:
1. Mines are few, as ores are few.
2. You can quickly and efficiently run to the center in 10 seconds and have incredible success, accidentally finding two chests full set of dia armor enchanted on prot 5. If you are unlucky - without enchantments. Exaggerated, but I hope you get the point.
In fact, the same can be said about the “Digging Speed” perk, but if you look at it differently: BW players are finding use to put up and break down these blocks quickly (especially if you have diamond tools), it is just great. But for its main purpose, suggested in the description of the perk - it is completely useless.

Quick question: why do you need enchanting when everyone already has full dia armor with prot 5?
Perk “Defender” for me automatically goes together with scout and perk “chubby” - in order to run to the mid in 5-7 seconds, take the armor and additionally be absolutely untouchable for some time.

To summarize the perks, I want to say that the weakest part of them, just perks for archers. I'm talking specifically about such perks as “Rat Master”, "Arrow Return", “Burning Arrows”, “Freezing”.

Links to watch:
The problem is that for these perks to work at least once, you need to get the bow. I think it is pointless to say that it is very difficult to do this, because you can get it only in the mid of the map, it does not always fall (during my measurements, after searching all the chests from the center, it fell only 1 of 3 times during the first refill, (which goes from the beginning of the game) ). Even if you do get that poor bow, pray that the arrows will be found, because without them all this will not work.
I'd like to see some redesigned of the perks and kits from the past, like the “cook” perk, which is a reincarnation of the “cannibal” perk from the old BedWars. Personally, I'd keep some of the perks from the old Skywars, like the “Blood Dance” perk, which gives you level one speed for a couple seconds, or the “Postman” perk with its unique sky parcel system for kills, or the “pleasant surprise” perk, which gives you a golden apple when you have low health, etc.

Mineland... Balance is not your thing...
The loot on the starting islands doesn't change in any way after the refill.
What's even funnier is that minor edits are made only in the center.

Again, no matter how much people scolded the loot in chests in the past Skywars, the bow was there, which gives it a definite plus compared to nowadays. No one needed to change it completely, they just needed to increase the chances of blocks and food. The old loot from chests on ML was almost perfect - it was full of a variety of potions, lava, water, cobwebs and other items, the game wasn't about full set dia players with prot 5 in the corner hogging each other for a few minutes.
And there will probably be people who will say that I'm idealizing the past and bla-bla-bla.
And perks, and kits, and maps - I'm not saying everything was perfect. There were perks that broke the balance of the game (like the same “rampage” or “ramming power”), there were imbalanced kits like Crusader or Ninja, there were overly HUGE maps like White Orchard or Coliseum, Skytech, which were simply impossible to play and the game could drag on for 8 minutes or even more, eventually leading to a draw. But they were unique and elaborate, their own maps, their own perks and kits.
There were also
mega-chests, which was a great thing. It was an improved ordinary chest, only with the difference that, as you can guess, the items there were usually quite good, and also the item there was always 1 (except for food), and the variability of items there was much more interesting. Back to the mega chests: their number on the map was fixed (8). However, it with a rare chance you could get one from regular chests. Including that you could get it even on the starting island.

Yes, the game was still all about who could get to the center faster, but the others had chances too. There was even a whole “Postman” perk built into the mega-chests, which gives you a chance to get the mega-chests after killing players. I think that such things are lacking in the current perspective, because it was also a highlight of the project and quite a solid quality.

Here's a video from my friend to demonstrate mega chets:

I want to talk about maps as well. My favorite topic. It feels like the curator of the builders, as well as the builders themselves have never played this minigame. I go into skywars and see microscopic and exactly the same maps. Particularly amused by the addition of a kb3 stick on such-and-such maps centered on a circle with a radius of 5-10 blocks. Guys, this is not sumo, this is skywars, gameplay component here is slightly different. Current maps do not save this minigame in any way (although there were high hopes). Their structure is repetitive, the layout is the same everywhere, the layout of islands and sumo pvp players on semi-central islands and speedrun scouts without blocks in a fraction of a second. I'm not arguing, you'd be absolutely right when you say there were problems before. Skywars needed new maps, yes, no argument there.

However, and at least a third of the old ones (For example, past maps from SkywarsSolo - Redl, Sakura, Pokemon, Football, Donut. For SkywarsTeam - Pink Tree, Among Us, Aquamarine), could be left, it would not cause a disaster. Past maps have been interesting and different. I think at least the maps mentioned above should have been kept, it was interesting and completely different from other servers, while keeping the essence of Skywars. For example, the map Sakura, where in the center, to find chests, you had to climb on the branch of a giant sakura tree...... It's organic and a lot of fun. I just took the first thing that came to mind as an example. Now I go into Skywars, and from the first few seconds I get the feeling that I'm playing sumo on templated maps that are not Skywars maps, which is the last thing on my mind. No fiction and no fantasy whatsoever. You can accuse me of demagoguery as much as you want - the screenshots of the works of long past years (2020-2021) are in discord, please take a look and evaluate and draw your own conclusions.

Of course, you can keep some of the current maps like Underwater, Turquoise, Ancient Culture, but only with the condition that the distance between the semi-central, central and starting islands will be increased by 10-15 blocks, so that firstly, the player's inventory from the start was not cluttered with a hundred blocks, which he will most likely not use during the game (except for moments in pvp), and secondly, so that the scouts do not run to the center even when the rest of us only have time to finish their first chest on the initial island. For those who think that I see only bad in the new: of the new maps I more or less liked Dust, because on it, I will tell you in confidence, under the mid is a tnt, and by taking a kit detonator with a stone pressure plate and activating them, it really can surprise. Slightly increase the distance, (like on the other maps suggested earlier), make the build limit much lower - and it will be tolerable even compared to past maps.

Now I'll say my word on the kits.
Personally, I wouldn't consider “Detonator” seriously - it's only good either for fun, or to quickly blow up the center with players on the Dust map.
“Slime” is not clear for what and for whom it was invented. The only thing that can surprise you is diamond boots. But he already loses to almost all kits in terms of armor, and there's not much point in slime blocks. Unless you climb up a tower and then jump off it, knocking down a player who is building towards you... who can throw you down with bows, snowballs and other things.... It's not a very good tactic, I'll tell you that.
Disco kit is not bad due to enchanting thorns on armor, which can help during a mid, but it's again weaker than the same scout, who has a sword and speed right away. Weaker, because the main task of the new Skywars is to run to the meade and get the chests, get imbalance loot from them and beat up naked ragamuffins with it.

Knight kit looks good, but that's just at first glance, in fact he only looks that way because of the early higher damage. Because of the speed 2 advantage, some scout will get to the mid and get into combos quicker.
Kit Defender has good armor in the form of diamond chestplate and iron leggings from the start of the game, also has a potion that doesn't help much, but can stop fire damage from sword enchantment. In good hands he can give a solid boost in defense from the start, the key is to find something that does damage.

Kit Miner is suitable for those who can use blocks wisely, he has a pickaxe at sharpness 2 and efficiency 3, which immediately gives us the opportunity to do in pvp things that usually do players bedwars theme (playing with blocks), but the enchantment luck 2 will not be useful to us in this case, and ores on maps that would still work and luck, - almost none.
Kit snowman has almost the same essence as the knight, namely: a strong weapon from the start, snowballs, which will help sneakily throw inexperienced players at the beginning of the game and the ability to put a snowman, which, however, nothing much will give us, the snowman at best will throw some newbie, slowly building on the shift, because his snowballs are very easy to dodge. Snowman also has a full set of leather armor, like the frog from the start, which will not help us in pvp, because all the armor below the iron, disappeared from the loot completely and completely, but will greatly hinder the rapid putting on of armor during the loot chests. In the end - another garbage.
Next is the igniter... Kit has no sense, because the only use is lava, very often found in the mid chests of the map, although not in the amount of 4x, which in practice you will never be able to use competently. Lava is very often disappears, but this is already to the problems of anticheat, the above does not saves the kit, because it is full of useless items.

Briefly: Instead of implementing interesting mechanics, most of the kits were borrowed, even funnier that most of them are not needed. I should note that some of the kits (ingiter, slime, detonator) are either meaningless in the current realities of Skywars, or very specialized and almost no one will stay on them even for a day or two. The Knight has its more effective counterpart, I'm talking about snowman.

In general, I think that during the time when the perks with kits were removed, it was possible to implement quality or not so good, but their perks and kits, even releasing them questionable, it still would look interesting and in the future you could perfectionize them. But the server made a bias towards hypixel and its copies with their paraphernalia, and ceased to have its charm.
Upgrading system of perks and kits completely destroyed, now instead of progressive development (I'm talking about the thorny path of those who played and got cases, and from them collected their first perks and builds, spending fabulous money on their upgrading), even as a non-ranked without a kits and game-breaking perks like “ramming force”, “thick-skinned”, “rampage”, you could safely kill toppers, knowing how to play, you could safely even as a player get a ninja, accumulated and open countless free cases found during the game. Now you get the following picture: either you are a No1 9 cps player with a frog/scout and perks to resist natural damage, satiety and resistance 2, or no one.
Returning to upgrading system - this, as for me, could be realized, and make it interesting, much more interesting than a one-time purchase of a perk at random and the subsequent regret and disappointment from the spent silver, which, if anything, is still not converted, because the promised converter from gold to silver we are waiting for about a year and a half, but?..

...What to do?

Now a few words about monetization, because I can already hear someone shouting about the unprofitability of the minigame and that all this is for nothing and we do not need all this. Of course, Skywars does not bring the same profit that can bring skyblock, but for the most pragmatic and like to count server profits, still would like to offer options for monetization Skywars, applicable, however, and to other minigames.
1. If you go from standard methods - you can return 1 additional slot in the list of perks, as it was with Hero+ subscription a long time ago, for which, by the way, it was loved, as well as for the silver booster, which was higher than even the Imperial one. I think in the current conditions of the mode, which has an online peak of 25-30 per day, it is necessary to attract players there, as, for example, and silver booster by 15-20% on weekends, as it used to be with XP. I think an extra slot could be given to either some high rank or ranks like mafia and bandito.
2. Add a converter from gold to silver at a rate of 1 to 100, so that players buy gold and exchange it for silver for kits and perks. You can add discounts for ranks: Gamer - 5%, Skilled - 10%, Expert - 13%, Hero - 18%, King - 25%, Legend - 30%, Imperator - 40%, Sponsor - 60%.
Also from trivialities - add buying skywars cases and ancient skywars cases and do a rebalance there. So far it is very difficult to get them, because they are no longer a loot in the game and I do not see any room for interaction, unlike in the past, when you every now and then went to Sky Wars to farm those very cases to knock out of them rank and normal perks with a kits. With such a pvp system, anticheat and the absence of levels on the server for more than two years, even the newbies will realize that the incentive to play will not be far from everyone, and if it is, it will not last long. Still, your team has, as the now fired 0xWave used to put it, “a huge analytics system” and I hope that finding ways to monetize Skywars for them and for you won't be a huge problem, unless it's a way to pay for skins as it was in may 2022.
Prices for the current cosmetics for gold start at 3500 and end at an unimaginable 12000, therefore, and afford it can only those who keep large worlds on Creative+ and receive donations in the form of gold from players.
Donate so much gold does not seem reasonable, it is much easier and more profitable to buy cases with cosmetics, which contain a much greater variety of it.
I propose to cheapen at least 5 effects in any of the sections of cosmetics in a price that will be available to not particularly rich players, its cost will start at 800 for normal, 1000 for rare and 1500 for epic. Cosmetics of epic rarity will be available from Hero. A player who wants to stand out/try something new will buy it because of the adequate price, and therefore donate gold and ranks.

If Skywars was developed by people who love their minigame, listen to the opinion of players, and not listen to clowns like DarknessPlayS or other people who are not familiar with Skywars of Mineland and its history, Skywars would live as before, without a complete transition to imitation of Hypixel, which makes it another gray tracing in the sea of small p2w copies of hypixel, on which I myself can play, as well as on Hypixel. You initially positioned yourself as an independent and distinctive server with mechanics that are not found anywhere else, but as a result we get a knife in the back time after time.
Version for russian-speaking players:

This topic was created not to insult the administration and its work, it is not a call to do something fantastic and move away from the original concept, which is Sky Wars, that is, the battle on the islands in the air. This is just a call to think, listen to the players and start doing something of your own, not copying the work of competitors, whose ideas do not correlate with yours. Thank you for your attention.
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New member
Dec 28, 2023
In the current realities, when SkyWars and BedWars were altered and took the concept from hypixel, there is a lack of originality in these modes. Of course, I'm not talking about the past balance of minigames, was not of the highest standard (ramming force, ninja kit, bridge builder, and swordsman with potion of strength II for a minute...), but the current "balance" has not benefited anyone significantly.

Let's start with the most annoying thing, and more specifically, the problems of what awaits the player at the mid. I'm talking about both items and maps. Of the items on the mid, what I would like to note, we can notice: diamond armor elements (chestplate, boots, helmet) with enchantments for protection 5, or no enchantments at all! The question immediately arises: where is the balance of the loot? The luck factor here begins to play a key role. A person in a full diamond armor set with protection V, successfully stolen from the mid, becomes unkillable.
View attachment 1264
Do I have to explain that 1-2 armor elements for protection 5 is enough to kill almost any player without these enchantments, especially if you know something about pvp here? We've all had a long berated Skywars past loot, but all the past "elf bows" pale in comparison to this lazy work. What's my point? The loot is very monotonous. Forever disappeared from the chests of wooden swords, chainmail armor elements and leather armor, the loot simply became inadequate and begins with a minimum of iron armor on the starting island, ending, you already see what. Such imbalanced things should be balanced. Let's say, on the center, on the first refill, the limit of dreams let be diamond things on prot. 1-2, with further Gradual strengthening of enchantments at subsequent refills, when the game has gone on long enough.

Back to the loot. Next on the list of bows for power 1 and 5. Speaking about the loot in general, I would like to see more bows, but not the bow from the center of the map (Power 5 bow o_o), which is an imbalance weapon, that is, destroying even a player with a full set of diamond armor with a few shots (Similar problem with the previous loot, for example, let's take the elf bow, but only with the difference that that had much weaker enchantments, more specifically - the power was level III, compensated by burning arrow) and fell out this bow only from "mega chests"
(we will talk a little later and about this). I would like to see not this railgun, but a normal, sensible bow without enchantments, or with the power I-II level and with the power of level III after 2 refills, with further strengthening after each refill.

After bows, we also have the rarest of all - ender-pearls. The rarest and the most harmless, because after playing on the new, neutered Skywars, the biggest problem was caused by kb3 stick, after which its drop rate was decreased, and now it is usually found on the second filling of chests. This kb stick is a valid threat, as the new maps are very open and dropping someone on them is a very easy task. I'm not arguing, the old Skywars also had a similar item, I'm talking about the stone sword on kb3, but back then the maps were different (there was something to hold on to, there was water flowing somewhere, there were areas under the map, etc.), there was also an abundance of ender pearls, which is now worth its weight in gold.

I won't say much about ender pearls, because since the early days of Skywars' reformation, almost no one has seen them in chests. I dare to assume that this is due to the fact that the developers did not bother and again began to look back at the Hypixel, borrowing from there and the second and the first filling of chests (as evidenced by a snowball count of 64 and other things).

Psst...Do you want to get ender-perls with any chance at all?
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Buy a perk that gives you the unique ability to become an enderman! This is actually a modified version of the previous enderman perk, the only difference being that at the time there was little need for it, as the loot was completely different, and especially after the chance in the old perk was reduced to 20% per pearl for killing at max level. The current perk only gives you an ender perk if you push him (the player) into the abyss (30% chance).

And now, I'll tell you about what I originally and I started this topic. Bows on the power of 1 and 5, are more common, described earlier, but still not as often as, for example, the same swords on the sharpness and fire aspect. There is nothing to say about the bow for power 1, it is a threat only for unarmored players, for diamond players - no more than a slight tingle (Unless you get a real sniper, which on Skywars do not find them already), but the bow for power 5.... This is an extremely broken item, a fully charged shot of which, kills for 1-2 shots player with elements of diamond armor, and therefore, can cause problems and the player in diamond things with protection 4-5 lvl (not measured exactly how much shots, it all depends on the individual case).

In this case, hypixel loot played an even bigger joke than with the kb stick on the refill, because hypixel has its own system of shooting with a bow, I as an archer, I despise it in every possible way, but with its task it copes, balancing such a huge damage, less responsive control. It's really hard for you to get players on the strafes and jumps. This system also prevents functions tied to archery in many cheat clients from working properly.

And the last one is diamond armor for prot. IV-V. This armor turns pvp into a boring autoclickers battle, neither lava, nor bow for power 1, nor potions, - no other items do not cause significant damage and contribution to such pvp, because the damage that you will do, will be negligible. This is why players in most cases try to throw the full dia. players into the abyss, because it is the easiest and most effective way.

Now let's go into more detail about perks:
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I personally don't see any sense in the builder perk, because at the starting chests you already get 16 blocks, which is enough to reach the center and use blocks during pvp with players.
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To the center in general blocks are not even needed, unless you consider the only map Ancient Culture, where the distance between islands a little more than 4 blocks, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In general, I personally don't see the point of this perk at all, because you can literally collect 2 stacks by getting a little more than 1 chest, you know what I mean?

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The problems with the "Freezing" perk start as early as its interpretation.
"Have a 40% chance to freeze your enemy after hitting them with an arrow"

First of all, it doesn't say what kind of freeze is it? After all, it's worth considering what it might be here? A simple slowdown? A full freeze? How long does it last? Absolutely no specifics, given that this is not just any perk, but a perk worth 20000 silver. The most expensive and exclusive, not all high rank players with a silver booster can get this number. The perk is clearly not worth it.

View attachment 1271
Adding this perk to Mineland is the weirdest idea ever.
Because mobs don't work properly here (To which the ex-developer 0xWave replied “lmao, that's the way it should be”) and attack absolutely everyone indiscriminately, including you.

View attachment 1272
Next I notice on the perk “expert miner” - after which subconsciously goes to the trash can with the title “Oh gosh, get this away from me!”. Digging in the mines here is too unprofitable, because:
1. Mines are few, as ores are few.
2. You can quickly and efficiently run to the center in 10 seconds and have incredible success, accidentally finding two chests full set of dia armor enchanted on prot 5. If you are unlucky - without enchantments. Exaggerated, but I hope you get the point.
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In fact, the same can be said about the “Digging Speed” perk, but if you look at it differently: BW players are finding use to put up and break down these blocks quickly (especially if you have diamond tools), it is just great. But for its main purpose, suggested in the description of the perk - it is completely useless.

Quick question: why do you need enchanting when everyone already has full dia armor with prot 5?
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Perk “Defender” for me automatically goes together with scout and perk “chubby” - in order to run to the mid in 5-7 seconds, take the armor and additionally be absolutely untouchable for some time.

To summarize the perks, I want to say that the weakest part of them, just perks for archers. I'm talking specifically about such perks as “Rat Master”, "Arrow Return", “Burning Arrows”, “Freezing”.

Links to watch:
The problem is that for these perks to work at least once, you need to get the bow. I think it is pointless to say that it is very difficult to do this, because you can get it only in the mid of the map, it does not always fall (during my measurements, after searching all the chests from the center, it fell only 1 of 3 times during the first refill, (which goes from the beginning of the game) ). Even if you do get that poor bow, pray that the arrows will be found, because without them all this will not work.
I'd like to see some redesigned of the perks and kits from the past, like the “cook” perk, which is a reincarnation of the “cannibal” perk from the old BedWars. Personally, I'd keep some of the perks from the old Skywars, like the “Blood Dance” perk, which gives you level one speed for a couple seconds, or the “Postman” perk with its unique sky parcel system for kills, or the “pleasant surprise” perk, which gives you a golden apple when you have low health, etc.

Mineland... Balance is not your thing...
The loot on the starting islands doesn't change in any way after the refill.
What's even funnier is that minor edits are made only in the center.

Again, no matter how much people scolded the loot in chests in the past Skywars, the bow was there, which gives it a definite plus compared to nowadays. No one needed to change it completely, they just needed to increase the chances of blocks and food. The old loot from chests on ML was almost perfect - it was full of a variety of potions, lava, water, cobwebs and other items, the game wasn't about full set dia players with prot 5 in the corner hogging each other for a few minutes.
And there will probably be people who will say that I'm idealizing the past and bla-bla-bla.
And perks, and kits, and maps - I'm not saying everything was perfect. There were perks that broke the balance of the game (like the same “rampage” or “ramming power”), there were imbalanced kits like Crusader or Ninja, there were overly HUGE maps like White Orchard or Coliseum, Skytech, which were simply impossible to play and the game could drag on for 8 minutes or even more, eventually leading to a draw. But they were unique and elaborate, their own maps, their own perks and kits.
There were also
mega-chests, which was a great thing. It was an improved ordinary chest, only with the difference that, as you can guess, the items there were usually quite good, and also the item there was always 1 (except for food), and the variability of items there was much more interesting. Back to the mega chests: their number on the map was fixed (8). However, it with a rare chance you could get one from regular chests. Including that you could get it even on the starting island.

Yes, the game was still all about who could get to the center faster, but the others had chances too. There was even a whole “Postman” perk built into the mega-chests, which gives you a chance to get the mega-chests after killing players. I think that such things are lacking in the current perspective, because it was also a highlight of the project and quite a solid quality.

Here's a video from my friend to demonstrate mega chets:

I want to talk about maps as well. My favorite topic. It feels like the curator of the builders, as well as the builders themselves have never played this minigame. I go into skywars and see microscopic and exactly the same maps. Particularly amused by the addition of a kb3 stick on such-and-such maps centered on a circle with a radius of 5-10 blocks. Guys, this is not sumo, this is skywars, gameplay component here is slightly different. Current maps do not save this minigame in any way (although there were high hopes). Their structure is repetitive, the layout is the same everywhere, the layout of islands and sumo pvp players on semi-central islands and speedrun scouts without blocks in a fraction of a second. I'm not arguing, you'd be absolutely right when you say there were problems before. Skywars needed new maps, yes, no argument there.

However, and at least a third of the old ones (For example, past maps from SkywarsSolo - Redl, Sakura, Pokemon, Football, Donut. For SkywarsTeam - Pink Tree, Among Us, Aquamarine), could be left, it would not cause a disaster. Past maps have been interesting and different. I think at least the maps mentioned above should have been kept, it was interesting and completely different from other servers, while keeping the essence of Skywars. For example, the map Sakura, where in the center, to find chests, you had to climb on the branch of a giant sakura tree...... It's organic and a lot of fun. I just took the first thing that came to mind as an example. Now I go into Skywars, and from the first few seconds I get the feeling that I'm playing sumo on templated maps that are not Skywars maps, which is the last thing on my mind. No fiction and no fantasy whatsoever. You can accuse me of demagoguery as much as you want - the screenshots of the works of long past years (2020-2021) are in discord, please take a look and evaluate and draw your own conclusions.
View attachment 1276

Of course, you can keep some of the current maps like Underwater, Turquoise, Ancient Culture, but only with the condition that the distance between the semi-central, central and starting islands will be increased by 10-15 blocks, so that firstly, the player's inventory from the start was not cluttered with a hundred blocks, which he will most likely not use during the game (except for moments in pvp), and secondly, so that the scouts do not run to the center even when the rest of us only have time to finish their first chest on the initial island. For those who think that I see only bad in the new: of the new maps I more or less liked Dust, because on it, I will tell you in confidence, under the mid is a tnt, and by taking a kit detonator with a stone pressure plate and activating them, it really can surprise. Slightly increase the distance, (like on the other maps suggested earlier), make the build limit much lower - and it will be tolerable even compared to past maps.

Now I'll say my word on the kits.
Personally, I wouldn't consider “Detonator” seriously - it's only good either for fun, or to quickly blow up the center with players on the Dust map.
“Slime” is not clear for what and for whom it was invented. The only thing that can surprise you is diamond boots. But he already loses to almost all kits in terms of armor, and there's not much point in slime blocks. Unless you climb up a tower and then jump off it, knocking down a player who is building towards you... who can throw you down with bows, snowballs and other things.... It's not a very good tactic, I'll tell you that.
Disco kit is not bad due to enchanting thorns on armor, which can help during a mid, but it's again weaker than the same scout, who has a sword and speed right away. Weaker, because the main task of the new Skywars is to run to the meade and get the chests, get imbalance loot from them and beat up naked ragamuffins with it.

Knight kit looks good, but that's just at first glance, in fact he only looks that way because of the early higher damage. Because of the speed 2 advantage, some scout will get to the mid and get into combos quicker.
Kit Defender has good armor in the form of diamond chestplate and iron leggings from the start of the game, also has a potion that doesn't help much, but can stop fire damage from sword enchantment. In good hands he can give a solid boost in defense from the start, the key is to find something that does damage.

Kit Miner is suitable for those who can use blocks wisely, he has a pickaxe at sharpness 2 and efficiency 3, which immediately gives us the opportunity to do in pvp things that usually do players bedwars theme (playing with blocks), but the enchantment luck 2 will not be useful to us in this case, and ores on maps that would still work and luck, - almost none.
Kit snowman has almost the same essence as the knight, namely: a strong weapon from the start, snowballs, which will help sneakily throw inexperienced players at the beginning of the game and the ability to put a snowman, which, however, nothing much will give us, the snowman at best will throw some newbie, slowly building on the shift, because his snowballs are very easy to dodge. Snowman also has a full set of leather armor, like the frog from the start, which will not help us in pvp, because all the armor below the iron, disappeared from the loot completely and completely, but will greatly hinder the rapid putting on of armor during the loot chests. In the end - another garbage.
Next is the igniter... Kit has no sense, because the only use is lava, very often found in the mid chests of the map, although not in the amount of 4x, which in practice you will never be able to use competently. Lava is very often disappears, but this is already to the problems of anticheat, the above does not saves the kit, because it is full of useless items.

Briefly: Instead of implementing interesting mechanics, most of the kits were borrowed, even funnier that most of them are not needed. I should note that some of the kits (ingiter, slime, detonator) are either meaningless in the current realities of Skywars, or very specialized and almost no one will stay on them even for a day or two. The Knight has its more effective counterpart, I'm talking about snowman.

In general, I think that during the time when the perks with kits were removed, it was possible to implement quality or not so good, but their perks and kits, even releasing them questionable, it still would look interesting and in the future you could perfectionize them. But the server made a bias towards hypixel and its copies with their paraphernalia, and ceased to have its charm.
Upgrading system of perks and kits completely destroyed, now instead of progressive development (I'm talking about the thorny path of those who played and got cases, and from them collected their first perks and builds, spending fabulous money on their upgrading), even as a non-ranked without a kits and game-breaking perks like “ramming force”, “thick-skinned”, “rampage”, you could safely kill toppers, knowing how to play, you could safely even as a player get a ninja, accumulated and open countless free cases found during the game. Now you get the following picture: either you are a No1 9 cps player with a frog/scout and perks to resist natural damage, satiety and resistance 2, or no one.
Returning to upgrading system - this, as for me, could be realized, and make it interesting, much more interesting than a one-time purchase of a perk at random and the subsequent regret and disappointment from the spent silver, which, if anything, is still not converted, because the promised converter from gold to silver we are waiting for about a year and a half, but?..

...What to do?

Now a few words about monetization, because I can already hear someone shouting about the unprofitability of the minigame and that all this is for nothing and we do not need all this. Of course, Skywars does not bring the same profit that can bring skyblock, but for the most pragmatic and like to count server profits, still would like to offer options for monetization Skywars, applicable, however, and to other minigames.
1. If you go from standard methods - you can return 1 additional slot in the list of perks, as it was with Hero+ subscription a long time ago, for which, by the way, it was loved, as well as for the silver booster, which was higher than even the Imperial one. I think in the current conditions of the mode, which has an online peak of 25-30 per day, it is necessary to attract players there, as, for example, and silver booster by 15-20% on weekends, as it used to be with XP. I think an extra slot could be given to either some high rank or ranks like mafia and bandito.
2. Add a converter from gold to silver at a rate of 1 to 100, so that players buy gold and exchange it for silver for kits and perks. You can add discounts for ranks: Gamer - 5%, Skilled - 10%, Expert - 13%, Hero - 18%, King - 25%, Legend - 30%, Imperator - 40%, Sponsor - 60%.
Also from trivialities - add buying skywars cases and ancient skywars cases and do a rebalance there. So far it is very difficult to get them, because they are no longer a loot in the game and I do not see any room for interaction, unlike in the past, when you every now and then went to Sky Wars to farm those very cases to knock out of them rank and normal perks with a kits. With such a pvp system, anticheat and the absence of levels on the server for more than two years, even the newbies will realize that the incentive to play will not be far from everyone, and if it is, it will not last long. Still, your team has, as the now fired 0xWave used to put it, “a huge analytics system” and I hope that finding ways to monetize Skywars for them and for you won't be a huge problem, unless it's a way to pay for skins as it was in may 2022.
Prices for the current cosmetics for gold start at 3500 and end at an unimaginable 12000, therefore, and afford it can only those who keep large worlds on Creative+ and receive donations in the form of gold from players.
Donate so much gold does not seem reasonable, it is much easier and more profitable to buy cases with cosmetics, which contain a much greater variety of it.
I propose to cheapen at least 5 effects in any of the sections of cosmetics in a price that will be available to not particularly rich players, its cost will start at 800 for normal, 1000 for rare and 1500 for epic. Cosmetics of epic rarity will be available from Hero. A player who wants to stand out/try something new will buy it because of the adequate price, and therefore donate gold and ranks.

If Skywars was developed by people who love their minigame, listen to the opinion of players, and not listen to clowns like DarknessPlayS or other people who are not familiar with Skywars of Mineland and its history, Skywars would live as before, without a complete transition to imitation of Hypixel, which makes it another gray tracing in the sea of small p2w copies of hypixel, on which I myself can play, as well as on Hypixel. You initially positioned yourself as an independent and distinctive server with mechanics that are not found anywhere else, but as a result we get a knife in the back time after time.
Version for russian-speaking players:

This topic was created not to insult the administration and its work, it is not a call to do something fantastic and move away from the original concept, which is Sky Wars, that is, the battle on the islands in the air. This is just a call to think, listen to the players and start doing something of your own, not copying the work of competitors, whose ideas do not correlate with yours. Thank you for your attention.
Exactly! No one asked to change skywars core, but it happened. I agree with everything written in the thread, it's a shame that nobody cares about these problems.


Big Bandar
May 20, 2023
In the current realities, when SkyWars and BedWars were altered and took the concept from hypixel, there is a lack of originality in these modes. Of course, I'm not talking about the past balance of minigames, was not of the highest standard (ramming force, ninja kit, bridge builder, and swordsman with potion of strength II for a minute...), but the current "balance" has not benefited anyone significantly.

Let's start with the most annoying thing, and more specifically, the problems of what awaits the player at the mid. I'm talking about both items and maps. Of the items on the mid, what I would like to note, we can notice: diamond armor elements (chestplate, boots, helmet) with enchantments for protection 5, or no enchantments at all! The question immediately arises: where is the balance of the loot? The luck factor here begins to play a key role. A person in a full diamond armor set with protection V, successfully stolen from the mid, becomes unkillable.
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Do I have to explain that 1-2 armor elements for protection 5 is enough to kill almost any player without these enchantments, especially if you know something about pvp here? We've all had a long berated Skywars past loot, but all the past "elf bows" pale in comparison to this lazy work. What's my point? The loot is very monotonous. Forever disappeared from the chests of wooden swords, chainmail armor elements and leather armor, the loot simply became inadequate and begins with a minimum of iron armor on the starting island, ending, you already see what. Such imbalanced things should be balanced. Let's say, on the center, on the first refill, the limit of dreams let be diamond things on prot. 1-2, with further Gradual strengthening of enchantments at subsequent refills, when the game has gone on long enough.

Back to the loot. Next on the list of bows for power 1 and 5. Speaking about the loot in general, I would like to see more bows, but not the bow from the center of the map (Power 5 bow o_o), which is an imbalance weapon, that is, destroying even a player with a full set of diamond armor with a few shots (Similar problem with the previous loot, for example, let's take the elf bow, but only with the difference that that had much weaker enchantments, more specifically - the power was level III, compensated by burning arrow) and fell out this bow only from "mega chests"
(we will talk a little later and about this). I would like to see not this railgun, but a normal, sensible bow without enchantments, or with the power I-II level and with the power of level III after 2 refills, with further strengthening after each refill.

After bows, we also have the rarest of all - ender-pearls. The rarest and the most harmless, because after playing on the new, neutered Skywars, the biggest problem was caused by kb3 stick, after which its drop rate was decreased, and now it is usually found on the second filling of chests. This kb stick is a valid threat, as the new maps are very open and dropping someone on them is a very easy task. I'm not arguing, the old Skywars also had a similar item, I'm talking about the stone sword on kb3, but back then the maps were different (there was something to hold on to, there was water flowing somewhere, there were areas under the map, etc.), there was also an abundance of ender pearls, which is now worth its weight in gold.

I won't say much about ender pearls, because since the early days of Skywars' reformation, almost no one has seen them in chests. I dare to assume that this is due to the fact that the developers did not bother and again began to look back at the Hypixel, borrowing from there and the second and the first filling of chests (as evidenced by a snowball count of 64 and other things).

Psst...Do you want to get ender-perls with any chance at all?
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Buy a perk that gives you the unique ability to become an enderman! This is actually a modified version of the previous enderman perk, the only difference being that at the time there was little need for it, as the loot was completely different, and especially after the chance in the old perk was reduced to 20% per pearl for killing at max level. The current perk only gives you an ender perk if you push him (the player) into the abyss (30% chance).

And now, I'll tell you about what I originally and I started this topic. Bows on the power of 1 and 5, are more common, described earlier, but still not as often as, for example, the same swords on the sharpness and fire aspect. There is nothing to say about the bow for power 1, it is a threat only for unarmored players, for diamond players - no more than a slight tingle (Unless you get a real sniper, which on Skywars do not find them already), but the bow for power 5.... This is an extremely broken item, a fully charged shot of which, kills for 1-2 shots player with elements of diamond armor, and therefore, can cause problems and the player in diamond things with protection 4-5 lvl (not measured exactly how much shots, it all depends on the individual case).

In this case, hypixel loot played an even bigger joke than with the kb stick on the refill, because hypixel has its own system of shooting with a bow, I as an archer, I despise it in every possible way, but with its task it copes, balancing such a huge damage, less responsive control. It's really hard for you to get players on the strafes and jumps. This system also prevents functions tied to archery in many cheat clients from working properly.

And the last one is diamond armor for prot. IV-V. This armor turns pvp into a boring autoclickers battle, neither lava, nor bow for power 1, nor potions, - no other items do not cause significant damage and contribution to such pvp, because the damage that you will do, will be negligible. This is why players in most cases try to throw the full dia. players into the abyss, because it is the easiest and most effective way.

Now let's go into more detail about perks:
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I personally don't see any sense in the builder perk, because at the starting chests you already get 16 blocks, which is enough to reach the center and use blocks during pvp with players.
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To the center in general blocks are not even needed, unless you consider the only map Ancient Culture, where the distance between islands a little more than 4 blocks, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In general, I personally don't see the point of this perk at all, because you can literally collect 2 stacks by getting a little more than 1 chest, you know what I mean?

View attachment 1270
The problems with the "Freezing" perk start as early as its interpretation.
"Have a 40% chance to freeze your enemy after hitting them with an arrow"

First of all, it doesn't say what kind of freeze is it? After all, it's worth considering what it might be here? A simple slowdown? A full freeze? How long does it last? Absolutely no specifics, given that this is not just any perk, but a perk worth 20000 silver. The most expensive and exclusive, not all high rank players with a silver booster can get this number. The perk is clearly not worth it.

View attachment 1271
Adding this perk to Mineland is the weirdest idea ever.
Because mobs don't work properly here (To which the ex-developer 0xWave replied “lmao, that's the way it should be”) and attack absolutely everyone indiscriminately, including you.

View attachment 1272
Next I notice on the perk “expert miner” - after which subconsciously goes to the trash can with the title “Oh gosh, get this away from me!”. Digging in the mines here is too unprofitable, because:
1. Mines are few, as ores are few.
2. You can quickly and efficiently run to the center in 10 seconds and have incredible success, accidentally finding two chests full set of dia armor enchanted on prot 5. If you are unlucky - without enchantments. Exaggerated, but I hope you get the point.
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In fact, the same can be said about the “Digging Speed” perk, but if you look at it differently: BW players are finding use to put up and break down these blocks quickly (especially if you have diamond tools), it is just great. But for its main purpose, suggested in the description of the perk - it is completely useless.

Quick question: why do you need enchanting when everyone already has full dia armor with prot 5?
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Perk “Defender” for me automatically goes together with scout and perk “chubby” - in order to run to the mid in 5-7 seconds, take the armor and additionally be absolutely untouchable for some time.

To summarize the perks, I want to say that the weakest part of them, just perks for archers. I'm talking specifically about such perks as “Rat Master”, "Arrow Return", “Burning Arrows”, “Freezing”.

Links to watch:
The problem is that for these perks to work at least once, you need to get the bow. I think it is pointless to say that it is very difficult to do this, because you can get it only in the mid of the map, it does not always fall (during my measurements, after searching all the chests from the center, it fell only 1 of 3 times during the first refill, (which goes from the beginning of the game) ). Even if you do get that poor bow, pray that the arrows will be found, because without them all this will not work.
I'd like to see some redesigned of the perks and kits from the past, like the “cook” perk, which is a reincarnation of the “cannibal” perk from the old BedWars. Personally, I'd keep some of the perks from the old Skywars, like the “Blood Dance” perk, which gives you level one speed for a couple seconds, or the “Postman” perk with its unique sky parcel system for kills, or the “pleasant surprise” perk, which gives you a golden apple when you have low health, etc.

Mineland... Balance is not your thing...
The loot on the starting islands doesn't change in any way after the refill.
What's even funnier is that minor edits are made only in the center.

Again, no matter how much people scolded the loot in chests in the past Skywars, the bow was there, which gives it a definite plus compared to nowadays. No one needed to change it completely, they just needed to increase the chances of blocks and food. The old loot from chests on ML was almost perfect - it was full of a variety of potions, lava, water, cobwebs and other items, the game wasn't about full set dia players with prot 5 in the corner hogging each other for a few minutes.
And there will probably be people who will say that I'm idealizing the past and bla-bla-bla.
And perks, and kits, and maps - I'm not saying everything was perfect. There were perks that broke the balance of the game (like the same “rampage” or “ramming power”), there were imbalanced kits like Crusader or Ninja, there were overly HUGE maps like White Orchard or Coliseum, Skytech, which were simply impossible to play and the game could drag on for 8 minutes or even more, eventually leading to a draw. But they were unique and elaborate, their own maps, their own perks and kits.
There were also
mega-chests, which was a great thing. It was an improved ordinary chest, only with the difference that, as you can guess, the items there were usually quite good, and also the item there was always 1 (except for food), and the variability of items there was much more interesting. Back to the mega chests: their number on the map was fixed (8). However, it with a rare chance you could get one from regular chests. Including that you could get it even on the starting island.

Yes, the game was still all about who could get to the center faster, but the others had chances too. There was even a whole “Postman” perk built into the mega-chests, which gives you a chance to get the mega-chests after killing players. I think that such things are lacking in the current perspective, because it was also a highlight of the project and quite a solid quality.

Here's a video from my friend to demonstrate mega chets:

I want to talk about maps as well. My favorite topic. It feels like the curator of the builders, as well as the builders themselves have never played this minigame. I go into skywars and see microscopic and exactly the same maps. Particularly amused by the addition of a kb3 stick on such-and-such maps centered on a circle with a radius of 5-10 blocks. Guys, this is not sumo, this is skywars, gameplay component here is slightly different. Current maps do not save this minigame in any way (although there were high hopes). Their structure is repetitive, the layout is the same everywhere, the layout of islands and sumo pvp players on semi-central islands and speedrun scouts without blocks in a fraction of a second. I'm not arguing, you'd be absolutely right when you say there were problems before. Skywars needed new maps, yes, no argument there.

However, and at least a third of the old ones (For example, past maps from SkywarsSolo - Redl, Sakura, Pokemon, Football, Donut. For SkywarsTeam - Pink Tree, Among Us, Aquamarine), could be left, it would not cause a disaster. Past maps have been interesting and different. I think at least the maps mentioned above should have been kept, it was interesting and completely different from other servers, while keeping the essence of Skywars. For example, the map Sakura, where in the center, to find chests, you had to climb on the branch of a giant sakura tree...... It's organic and a lot of fun. I just took the first thing that came to mind as an example. Now I go into Skywars, and from the first few seconds I get the feeling that I'm playing sumo on templated maps that are not Skywars maps, which is the last thing on my mind. No fiction and no fantasy whatsoever. You can accuse me of demagoguery as much as you want - the screenshots of the works of long past years (2020-2021) are in discord, please take a look and evaluate and draw your own conclusions.
View attachment 1276

Of course, you can keep some of the current maps like Underwater, Turquoise, Ancient Culture, but only with the condition that the distance between the semi-central, central and starting islands will be increased by 10-15 blocks, so that firstly, the player's inventory from the start was not cluttered with a hundred blocks, which he will most likely not use during the game (except for moments in pvp), and secondly, so that the scouts do not run to the center even when the rest of us only have time to finish their first chest on the initial island. For those who think that I see only bad in the new: of the new maps I more or less liked Dust, because on it, I will tell you in confidence, under the mid is a tnt, and by taking a kit detonator with a stone pressure plate and activating them, it really can surprise. Slightly increase the distance, (like on the other maps suggested earlier), make the build limit much lower - and it will be tolerable even compared to past maps.

Now I'll say my word on the kits.
Personally, I wouldn't consider “Detonator” seriously - it's only good either for fun, or to quickly blow up the center with players on the Dust map.
“Slime” is not clear for what and for whom it was invented. The only thing that can surprise you is diamond boots. But he already loses to almost all kits in terms of armor, and there's not much point in slime blocks. Unless you climb up a tower and then jump off it, knocking down a player who is building towards you... who can throw you down with bows, snowballs and other things.... It's not a very good tactic, I'll tell you that.
Disco kit is not bad due to enchanting thorns on armor, which can help during a mid, but it's again weaker than the same scout, who has a sword and speed right away. Weaker, because the main task of the new Skywars is to run to the meade and get the chests, get imbalance loot from them and beat up naked ragamuffins with it.

Knight kit looks good, but that's just at first glance, in fact he only looks that way because of the early higher damage. Because of the speed 2 advantage, some scout will get to the mid and get into combos quicker.
Kit Defender has good armor in the form of diamond chestplate and iron leggings from the start of the game, also has a potion that doesn't help much, but can stop fire damage from sword enchantment. In good hands he can give a solid boost in defense from the start, the key is to find something that does damage.

Kit Miner is suitable for those who can use blocks wisely, he has a pickaxe at sharpness 2 and efficiency 3, which immediately gives us the opportunity to do in pvp things that usually do players bedwars theme (playing with blocks), but the enchantment luck 2 will not be useful to us in this case, and ores on maps that would still work and luck, - almost none.
Kit snowman has almost the same essence as the knight, namely: a strong weapon from the start, snowballs, which will help sneakily throw inexperienced players at the beginning of the game and the ability to put a snowman, which, however, nothing much will give us, the snowman at best will throw some newbie, slowly building on the shift, because his snowballs are very easy to dodge. Snowman also has a full set of leather armor, like the frog from the start, which will not help us in pvp, because all the armor below the iron, disappeared from the loot completely and completely, but will greatly hinder the rapid putting on of armor during the loot chests. In the end - another garbage.
Next is the igniter... Kit has no sense, because the only use is lava, very often found in the mid chests of the map, although not in the amount of 4x, which in practice you will never be able to use competently. Lava is very often disappears, but this is already to the problems of anticheat, the above does not saves the kit, because it is full of useless items.

Briefly: Instead of implementing interesting mechanics, most of the kits were borrowed, even funnier that most of them are not needed. I should note that some of the kits (ingiter, slime, detonator) are either meaningless in the current realities of Skywars, or very specialized and almost no one will stay on them even for a day or two. The Knight has its more effective counterpart, I'm talking about snowman.

In general, I think that during the time when the perks with kits were removed, it was possible to implement quality or not so good, but their perks and kits, even releasing them questionable, it still would look interesting and in the future you could perfectionize them. But the server made a bias towards hypixel and its copies with their paraphernalia, and ceased to have its charm.
Upgrading system of perks and kits completely destroyed, now instead of progressive development (I'm talking about the thorny path of those who played and got cases, and from them collected their first perks and builds, spending fabulous money on their upgrading), even as a non-ranked without a kits and game-breaking perks like “ramming force”, “thick-skinned”, “rampage”, you could safely kill toppers, knowing how to play, you could safely even as a player get a ninja, accumulated and open countless free cases found during the game. Now you get the following picture: either you are a No1 9 cps player with a frog/scout and perks to resist natural damage, satiety and resistance 2, or no one.
Returning to upgrading system - this, as for me, could be realized, and make it interesting, much more interesting than a one-time purchase of a perk at random and the subsequent regret and disappointment from the spent silver, which, if anything, is still not converted, because the promised converter from gold to silver we are waiting for about a year and a half, but?..

...What to do?

Now a few words about monetization, because I can already hear someone shouting about the unprofitability of the minigame and that all this is for nothing and we do not need all this. Of course, Skywars does not bring the same profit that can bring skyblock, but for the most pragmatic and like to count server profits, still would like to offer options for monetization Skywars, applicable, however, and to other minigames.
1. If you go from standard methods - you can return 1 additional slot in the list of perks, as it was with Hero+ subscription a long time ago, for which, by the way, it was loved, as well as for the silver booster, which was higher than even the Imperial one. I think in the current conditions of the mode, which has an online peak of 25-30 per day, it is necessary to attract players there, as, for example, and silver booster by 15-20% on weekends, as it used to be with XP. I think an extra slot could be given to either some high rank or ranks like mafia and bandito.
2. Add a converter from gold to silver at a rate of 1 to 100, so that players buy gold and exchange it for silver for kits and perks. You can add discounts for ranks: Gamer - 5%, Skilled - 10%, Expert - 13%, Hero - 18%, King - 25%, Legend - 30%, Imperator - 40%, Sponsor - 60%.
Also from trivialities - add buying skywars cases and ancient skywars cases and do a rebalance there. So far it is very difficult to get them, because they are no longer a loot in the game and I do not see any room for interaction, unlike in the past, when you every now and then went to Sky Wars to farm those very cases to knock out of them rank and normal perks with a kits. With such a pvp system, anticheat and the absence of levels on the server for more than two years, even the newbies will realize that the incentive to play will not be far from everyone, and if it is, it will not last long. Still, your team has, as the now fired 0xWave used to put it, “a huge analytics system” and I hope that finding ways to monetize Skywars for them and for you won't be a huge problem, unless it's a way to pay for skins as it was in may 2022.
Prices for the current cosmetics for gold start at 3500 and end at an unimaginable 12000, therefore, and afford it can only those who keep large worlds on Creative+ and receive donations in the form of gold from players.
Donate so much gold does not seem reasonable, it is much easier and more profitable to buy cases with cosmetics, which contain a much greater variety of it.
I propose to cheapen at least 5 effects in any of the sections of cosmetics in a price that will be available to not particularly rich players, its cost will start at 800 for normal, 1000 for rare and 1500 for epic. Cosmetics of epic rarity will be available from Hero. A player who wants to stand out/try something new will buy it because of the adequate price, and therefore donate gold and ranks.

If Skywars was developed by people who love their minigame, listen to the opinion of players, and not listen to clowns like DarknessPlayS or other people who are not familiar with Skywars of Mineland and its history, Skywars would live as before, without a complete transition to imitation of Hypixel, which makes it another gray tracing in the sea of small p2w copies of hypixel, on which I myself can play, as well as on Hypixel. You initially positioned yourself as an independent and distinctive server with mechanics that are not found anywhere else, but as a result we get a knife in the back time after time.
Version for russian-speaking players:

This topic was created not to insult the administration and its work, it is not a call to do something fantastic and move away from the original concept, which is Sky Wars, that is, the battle on the islands in the air. This is just a call to think, listen to the players and start doing something of your own, not copying the work of competitors, whose ideas do not correlate with yours. Thank you for your attention.
Bro earned my respect