Recent content by ezezeez

  1. E

    Global/Other A command to 1v1 (duel) someone

    I pray everyday for it to get bankrupt
  2. E

    Global/Other A command to 1v1 (duel) someone

    oh my bad RU discord have more lenient rules so I'm still unbanned from there ☠️
  3. E

    Global/Other A command to 1v1 (duel) someone

    if there was a graph of my playtime per day in mineland it'd peak and 2021 and stay flat from 2023-2025
  4. E

    Global/Other A command to 1v1 (duel) someone

    that's why most "good" servers have it mineland ain't good
  5. E

    sup bbg

    sup bbg
  6. E


    @test_account REVEAL URSELF
  7. E

    Greetings Prison players!

    that's @AlexRadievskiy skin
  8. E

    SkyWars BedWars Fix Block Glitch

    there aint no block glitch just buy expert to avoid anticheat
  9. E

    My honest rating on mineland.

    bro confessed mid argument
  10. E

    [GUIDE] @rankset (player) (rank)

    this guide is for games which have many owners, co-owners , developers who wants their rank changed every day to something just do like @rankset ezezeez nub and his rank will change to nub first step in doing this is setting rank of the player in his variable player chat event - if player name...
  11. E

    [GUIDE] @rename to help rename items

    thx for info I'll use this in future projects but what if i have multiple arrays?
  12. E

    [GUIDE] @rename to help rename items

    what is among us if text contains?