Recent content by Sky_kspop

  1. Sky_kspop

    [GUIDE] Code @mail (player) (msg.) + @Inbox & @deleteAll

    mehhh what can you use with this @mail command smh
  2. Sky_kspop

    [GUIDE] Code @mail (player) (msg.) + @Inbox & @deleteAll

    bro this is really useless, why we have to code /mail in game
  3. Sky_kspop

    Creative+ Action Limit per 5 Second Upgrade

    damn that is a good suggestion
  4. Sky_kspop

    add [G] back

    If they bring it back, the "Color Chat" item will work, and we don't have to type "&f" at the beginning
  5. Sky_kspop

    add [G] back

    We want to bring [G] back because its nostalgic Also, I bet !(message) is more convenient than /cc (message).
  6. Sky_kspop

    add [G] back

    Cool also why did you bought the custom prefix? I bet Nut is better
  7. Sky_kspop

    add [G] back

    Agree, [G] is nice vv When [G] is exist: vv
  8. Sky_kspop


  9. Sky_kspop

    TIPS to Get more and more gold

    niu i won't give u any golds ez
  10. Sky_kspop


  11. Sky_kspop

    TIPS to Get more and more gold

    nah just find a rich person and be his friend then keep PUA him to get golds
  12. Sky_kspop

    @_VIPAJ_ Please shut up. No one want to give you a chance if you are begging for staff.

    @_VIPAJ_ Please shut up. No one want to give you a chance if you are begging for staff.
  13. Sky_kspop

    _VIPAJ_ Do not be a begger, read rules first and go to #Become a moderater

    _VIPAJ_ Do not be a begger, read rules first and go to #Become a moderater