You're really outdoing zahin here. If you can't respond to this post (which you weren't even invited to) without acting like you're winning the argument, kindly shut up. ☺️
you're using this emoji '😊' to come across as chill to others in this argument and not attention seeking which is a nice trick btw. Even though you just randomly spawned in when I was talking to others despite the fact that I didn't even mention you
If I were to condense everything into one comment, people would think I'm desperate for you. That's why I'm replying multiple times on a single comment
I would send you the location, but I don't think googl maps cover irrelevant. They don't serve clowns. You'll need more momo to fill that empty ego my guy. My momos have better flavor than your whole existence anyway
Are you trying to imply that it's me who is writing stuff about peace, even though I'm the one who got custom banned highest number of times? Well, talking about the past, you were a freaking menace in the past too. Chill
That post about global warming was actually inspired from one of migatooo's posts
and that banana party thing was inspired from one of DJ's posts. Now go cry and give them life advice like you do to me lmfao
My guy, don't even try to come up with these arguments. You're the worst when it comes to making a comeback. How about u call crystal? Arguing with him would be really fun
My post is about peace, but of course, people like you always gotta twist it and cause drama where there isn’t any. Maybe the real problem is you showing up just to argue while acting like you’re an angel spreading positivity. Kinda ironic
Im talking about making mineland better, and you roll in acting like you’re here to keep the peace but all you're doing is adding fuel to the fire. Im calling for change but you’re out here more focused on pointing fingers than actually doing anything useful. Guess it’s easier to complain
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